Categories > Movies > Newsies > Big New York Dream

The Unexpected

by lyssaleigh 0 reviews

Category: Newsies - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-02-21 - Updated: 2008-02-21 - 729 words - Complete

Summer rapidly past and I found myself starting to pack for home. Only one week left and I would be back in Pittsburgh. Drowned in my thoughts I didn't hear the soft knock on the door, so when I spun around to go downstairs, my boyfriend Dave was standing in my way.

"Hi Rose, I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you heard the knock." He told me.

"No, sorry. I was just thinking about going home next week and how I don't want to!" I responded and went to retrieve a hug and kiss.

"I don't want you to go either." He whispered in my ear. We stayed in the hug for the longest time and only broke away when Martha came to see my progress on packing.

"Rose, I'm very surprised that you got half of your clothes packed! Good girl. Now, what would you like for lunch? of course Dave you can stay if you like." Dave just smiled and Martha knew his response.

"I would like chicken noodle soup with a chipped ham sandwhich please."

"Make that 2 please." Martha noted that she will call when it was ready.

"I am really going to miss you." I told Dave as I sat on my bed. He followed.

"I am going to miss you too." and he wrapped me into a hug, which led to a kiss, which let to something blissful until i heard a voice.

"Rose Leigh Pulitzer!" it was that voice that i didnt want to hear until i returned home. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Hi Father, what are you doing here?" I asked ignoring his question.

"Nevermind that! Why are you liplocked to a boy! You're only 16! How could your Uncle permit this?"

"Uncle trusts me with guys, he knows I am not going to have sex with them" Wow, I stood up to my father. Ok, waiting for the slap across the face. Here it comes, I winced in pain toward Dave chest and warm arms wrapped around me.

"You will leave her boy!"

"John, let's talk in my office." My Uncle came to the rescue. "Now." He maybe crazy from time to time but he knows his stuff. My father slowly followed his older brother to his office. Marthra soon rushed in with ice.

"Are you alright Miss Rose?"

"Yes, I'll be fine." I assured her and she left.

"See why I dont want to go back home! Its a love him but hate him thing." I paused and thought, May be I dont have to go back home after all. I could run away then i could be with Dave forever. Thats exactly what I'll do. "Davey, I am going to runaway."

"What!?" he screamed totally awed by my answer. "You can't!"

"And why not." I stared him down.

" Because I'll never see you again."

"But I am running away so that I can be with you!" Maybe he'll get the point now but he just sat. Susan came up and told us that lunch was ready. I tried to hold his hand on the way down the stairs; he refused.

We ate in silence until my father and uncle came to eat.

"Rose, I am so sorry for the way I treated. Your Uncle pointed out my wrong-doings and I am going to try to make life better for you back home. And Dave I am sorry to judgeyou my son, you must be alright for Rose to keep you around the whole summer. In fact, why don't come spend the last week in Pittsburgh." My father told me. Was he really saying this? All my sixteen years he has never said sorry or invited a boy to the house, let alone stay.

"Father, I love the idea!" I ran around the table and gave him a big hug and whisper 'I love you' in his ear.

"I love you, too. Now how bout after I eat we can walk over to Dave's and meet his family. We both nodded and excused ourselves then dashed to my room.

"Oh Davey now I don't have to runaway." I kissed him on the lips, hard.

"Yes, and I can't wait to see Pittsburgh!" then he kissed back.

"Rose are you ready?" My father called up the stairs. Instead of answering, we bounded down the stairs hand in hand.
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