Categories > Original > Mystery > The wanted man

The wanted man

by Mutoh35 3 reviews

this chik was followed and she flips out and they finaly catch him in the end

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-03 - Updated: 2006-02-03 - 447 words

One day Jamie Hillman was walking down west main at 3:30A.M and she heard leaves crunch behind her. She walked faster it cept getting fasther and she turned around to see a figure of a person behind her. She ran faster till she was in a dead run.She ran streight for her friend Margret Britches house. There she found refuge behind Margrets bed. By this time Margret is puzzled she has no clue whats going on. By time Jamie calmed down Margret was able to talk to her, but she still had to translate stutters of fear to actual words to under stand her. When Jamie finaly got out what she was trying to say, Margret was quiet for a second and then started laughing histaricaly. Jamie just sat and glared at her. Margret with tears in her eyes from laughing so much looked at Jamie and slowed her laughing to a stop and said tiyr seruius art you!? Jamie said do you think that i would be acting like this just kiding around? Margret said ok if your actualy that scared of a little noise then i will go out there with you and we can check things out ok!? Jamie said ok only if you go with me. Margret said ok lets go. They left and when they got to where she first heard the rustleing of the leaves, they found two sets of foot prints. this made Jamie think about what had happend so she started flipping out again. Margret was studding the prints and the bottom of Jamie's shoes. One set matched Jamie's running shoes and the other was definetly a mens boot or somthing to that sort. It just turned out that Margret is a very good artist, she scetched and exact replica of that footprint. Later That night they went out from store to store looking for a pair of shoes that matched and found a match. so the next day they went looking for the man whom has had the shoe. they found him a week later he was a caucasin he had a light go-t and was about 5'9". They blackmailed him a little bit got him to telll them his name and then as soon as they left they went streight for the police station. and told the sherif what they had found out and the sherif looked his profile up on the police reports and seen his name for Alleged stalking well said the sheriff theres another count of alleged stalking for him and that makes three, we'll have to book'm for that. and from there on out there has been only happieness between the two.
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