Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Day by day, week by week

A Simple Touch

by Mirime 0 reviews

Perfection can be touched in several ways

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Rin,Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-02-22 - Updated: 2008-02-22 - 696 words

Week: 4

Prompt: "Opportunity creates desire"

Warning: Spoilers for chapters 518 and 519 of manga. Also, not one of my best, I'm kinda tired.

There was an uneasy silence around the village they had retreated to, Rin noted. Kohaku and Kagome were still unconscious from Magatsuhi's attack and the whole group - Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo - gathered inside the old miko's hut to watch them. 'As if that would help them' as Master Jaken said condescendingly, refusing to enter the human's dwelling. Rin, on the other hand, went inside and then outside on regular basis. Lord Sesshoumaru had left with Toutousai somewhere a couple of hours ago and she was anxiously awaiting his return.

As if answering her thoughts, a white ball of youki zoomed in to the centre of the village, transforming into the youkai lord she knew so well. Toutousai arrived just moments later, a large piece of... wood... in his hands. As Rin approached them, she caught the end of the conversation, recognizing the familiar name of Bokusenou mentioned by her lord with what she knew was irritation. She stopped some distance away, not wanting to disturb them and instead opted to watch as the swordsmith settled down and set about his task. Sesshoumaru stood above him as an unmoving statue and Rin quickly changed her focus on her lord. He seemed to be preoccupied by something and as she followed his line of vision, she finally understood. He was studying his new left arm.

She could relate to his curiousity. His arm was gone before she even came into his life and although it had never seemed to mar him - he was as close to perfection as any being could be - now he seemed to be more complete than before. Rin inched closer to him, driven by an impulse to observe him more closely. Not to touch, he rarely allowed her that privilege, but merely being in his proximity was enough to make her feel safe.

Sesshoumaru didn't acknowledge her when she stopped at his side, gazing up at him. She compared his new arm to his old and noticed few differences, namely the lack of stripes circling his wrist. Before she could stop herself, she touched her fingers to it.


She immediately pulled her hand away.

"I'm sorry, Lord Sesshoumaru."

He gazed down at her with those knowing golden eyes and then he brought his left hand up in front of his face, studying it closely, turning it one way and then the other before letting it fall to his side. Rin was watching it closely, the grace of his movements captivating her and giving her courage to ask.

"May I touch it, Lord Sesshoumaru?"

"Do as you wish."

She latched onto his hand, intertwining their fingers together, her small digits looking even smaller compared to his long, deadly ones. She squeezed his hand and the answering squeeze made her giggle in delight. She looked up at him and with earnest brown eyes declared.

"It's pretty, Lord Sesshoumaru."

A suspicious cough came from the direction of Toutousai and both of them looked at the old swordsmith who was watching them with a senile looking grin on his face.

"Now, if someone told me my old eyes would be seeing this..."

"I don't have all day, Toutousai," Sesshoumaru interupted him, his voice even colder than normally. "Finish your work and take your leave."

Toutousai scowled before he winked at Rin and turned to work again. Rin finally let go of Sesshoumaru's hand and skipped away towards the hut.

"I'm going to see if Kohaku woke up," she called out and disappeared inside. Barely seconds later, Sesshoumaru heard the voice of the young miko coming from inside and turned to watch Toutousai but the old fool seemed to learn when to keep his mouth shut.

Though the moment was ruined, Sesshoumaru didn't doubt another opportunity would present itself. Looking down at his regrown arm and still feeling the warmth of her small hand in his, he couldn't help but remember his words - "This arm is only meant to hold a sword!". Then this new one was meant to hold Rin.
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