Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Day by day, week by week

Please, Not Tails

by Mirime 0 reviews

SessMom and her thoughts on her son's choice.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Rin,Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-02-22 - Updated: 2008-02-22 - 361 words

Week: 3

Prompt: "When love is not madness, it is not love"

It was a mistake to think that Sesshoumaru grew up to be one of the most powerful and feared youkais because of his father's heritage. Sure, Inu no Taisho was 'the great dog general' but it was his wife who passed on most of her flaws and vices to their son. Sesshoumaru was intelligent, elegant, calm and rational. He was also cold, ruthless, arrogant and proud. A son any mother could be proud of.
However, not right now. The current Lady of the Western Lands gritted her teeth as she caught sight of her only son in the company of that human girl. It had been only a couple of years since she had seen him for the last time, when he came to her seeking answers about Tenseiga. She remembered the human girl she had been forced to save and the concern her son felt for this Rin. She worried where this fondness for a human might lead.

And lo, she was right. Sesshoumaru appeared without warning, his grown-up human at his side and smelling like him - there were certain things mother should never know about her son - with that annoying toad looking as wretched as Lady felt trotting behind them. It was clear now that Sesshoumaru had inherited more from his father than she had thought. This... madness that weak people called love had been passed in his blood and took roots without her noticing. What kind of mother did that make her?

Lady of the Western Lands sighed as another thought occur to her as she watched her son pay utmost attention to any need of the girl without being obvious about it. Sesshoumaru intended to marry this girl. It meant they would have children sooner or later, probably sooner, who would be hanyou, not that Sesshoumaru particularly cared, too caught up in the madness of his feelings for the human. And hanyou children meant one thing - some ridiculous dog-like body part. With a heavy feeling of resignation, Sesshoumaru's mother closed her eyes and prayed, repeating three words over and over.

"Please, not tails!"
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