Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Day by day, week by week

Theory of Paradox

by Mirime 0 reviews

The true meaning of time and its flow.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Rin,Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-02-21 - Updated: 2008-02-21 - 402 words

Week: 2

Prompt: Forever

Time never mattered to Sesshoumaru. When he was young, he knew he was going to live for an exceptionally long time, not forever but close enough. Time was insignificant. As he grew older, he learned the nuances and paradoxes of a time perception. Yet he remained unmoved by it all. Until he met her.


A fragile human girl, his opposite in practically everything. It was because of her that he noticed the fluctuation of time for the first time. When he used Tenseiga to resurrect her and waited for her to wake up, those few seconds leading to her first breath seemed to take longer than all years of his wanderings. Anxiety and anticipation built in him as he waited for the success of his experiment. At least, that's what he thought.

Sesshoumaru might have deceived himself in the beginning, but as their journey continued, he realized that time always slowed down for him when Rin was in danger. It was almost like he couldn't get to her fast enough, like the immensely short seconds split themselves into even smaller parts with twice the length of ordinary seconds. But it was when Rin was taken to Hell that he came to fully understand just how his view of time had changed.

As he held her dead body and Tenseiga laid there like an useless piece of metal he had always considered it to be, he finally knew the feeling of helplessness. Time literally stopped for him. The greatest irony of it all was the fact he was in Hell physically and entered willingly. And the Hell turned his nightmare into a reality, taking from him the one thing that changed his existence into a true life.

He stood there for only seconds before Tenseiga awakened, but those moments were the longest in his life and he finally understood what eternity could be like. Empty, cold, lifeless, reminiscent of the child he held. And yet, he was wrong. There was another eternity, the one he experienced when his mother brought Rin back from dead and time backed away from where he knelt next to his little girl, the girl who was wonderfully warm, bright and alive again.

At that moment, Sesshoumaru finally understood what Rin meant to him. She was more than an obligation, more than a companion, more than a spark of light. Rin... she was his eternity.
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