Categories > Anime/Manga > Eyeshield 21 > You're a Fucking Ass, Hiruma

My Damn Family...

by WaterDemon918 0 reviews

Meet the parents! (and sibbies...that rhyme with ciggies! And piggies!!)

Category: Eyeshield 21 - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Hiruma - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-25 - Updated: 2008-02-26 - 1033 words

“Oh admit it! You wanna draw him so bad! You practically have orgasms when you see him!” Ty and I were in Gym class, walking the designated 50 laps (that we were supposed to run).

“I do not!” I retorted heatedly. “Besides, you know what’ll happen!” She shrugged.

“Enlighten me. Again.”

“He’ll find it, that’s what! And he’ll hold it over my head for the rest of my life.” I looked into the distance. “Prolly call me ‘Fucking Stalker’ as well…”

“Pft, I highly doubt that.” She smirked, spotting some passersby ahead. “Wanna shoot some deliciously young birds? They look innocent!” She sang the last sentence cheerfully; she’d ‘forgotten’ to take her meds today. Laughing I looked at her targets.

“Don’t they look to be in Junior High? Perhaps we should enlighten them of the effects of High School.” I grinned slyly at her. It was a game for us, to scare those in lower schools. I daresay we ruined more than a few futures.

The game was simple enough, set yourself a little ahead of the ‘targets,’ set the scene to seem like Hell, then claw at the gate pretending to be starving, wounded, or in some other way wanting to escape. Junior High kids were easiest, but Elementary was just plain fun.

That was just what we did.

Ty acted Teacher and was ‘whipping’ me mercilessly, as I lay on the ground dying, trying to escape as I clawed toward the poor younglings, who were scared out of their minds.

Cackling, Ty yelled, “Will you EVER turn in an assignment late again?!”

“No ma’am! No, I promise, NEVER!” I whimpered loudly, “Please stop! Please!”

Have you ever seen pure, unadulterated terror? I have. On the faces of those two boys, I’ve never seen terror so pure. After they left (or ran away, rather) Ty and I began laughing sadistically. Tears rolled down our faces. I even dropped to my knees! That had been our best audience yet, and they weren’t even girls!

As our laughter finally began to die down, we noticed that the class in session wasn’t ours. Wiping away tears, Ty looked around.

“Our performance bled into Lunch,” She observed, smirking quietly. “How d’we escape?”

“Yer askin’ me?” I looked at who was in class. They were second years. I noticed a girl who’d taken my BEST EVER sketch of Hiruma’s ears, calling me a ‘stupid little Lesbo who’d better watch herself if she wished to survive here at Deimon.’ Ty and I promptly beat the living shit out of her, but I’d never been able to draw his ears that well again. I drew her as an ogre, instead. I gave that to her on Valentines Day with a note that said “Roses are red, Violets are blue, I may look sweet, but doesn’t this look just like you?” Needless to say, we didn’t speak often.

Grimacing, I nudged Ty and motioned to the girl. Ty’s eyes turned to slits. We headed quickly to the locker room. Changing out of our Gym clothes, Ty began to look in the mirror.

“’M so fat…” she muttered. I glared at her.

“Give me a fuckin’ break! You’re skinny! Especially for your body type!” She was made to be tiny, but she pushed it. Being borderline Anorexic and smoking her ciggies kept her damn skinny. I continued, “Besides, when you say you’re fat, what the fuck am I?!” She snorted.

“You are not fat! Besides, your boobs’re bigger’n mine.” She shrugged on her school uniform. “So it works fer you. Big ass, big boobs, you can afford the meat. Me, I may have boobs and ass, but not much.”

We went back and forth all the way to the café. Just in time to be separated again. This was the class I had with Hiruma. As per usual, he ignored me. I ignored him, writing the homework on my arm, so I was sure to do it.

After school, Ty and I walked home. Ty came over to my house every day, preferring it to her home, where her stepfather was a drunken asshole and her mom’s way too strict. She practically lives at my house. I opened the door, only to find Juli (My sister, aged fourteen years, whose name sounds like Judi, red hair, emerald eyes, the spitting image of a Celt) strangling Twacko (My brother, aka Richard or Richi, aged thirteen, he looks like a retarded Mexican, thus his nickname).

“Alright, Twacko what the Hell’d you do now?” Ty asked as I separated the two. Holding them at arm’s length, I saw a bruise already forming on Twacko’s neck, while Juli had a swelling cut just above her eye. I watched them carefully, not trusting either of them.

“He’s makin’ funna me!” She yelled, gnashing her teeth at him.

“Whad ‘e say?” I asked, struggling to keep them apart.

“I said she’s a little fuckin’ Les whose bitch left her for her best friend!” He drawled evilly. I let Ty restrain Juli as I turned to him.

“You said that, did you?” I asked, advancing on him slowly. He looked at me through half-lidded eyes.

“It’s the truth.” He said, shrugging. I couldn’t take it. There was a loud SMACK, then silence. I’d slapped him.

“Aditi…” Ty whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder. I was enraged. It was true, Juli was not only Lesbian, which I’d no problem with, but she’d also been dumped for her best friend. He’d said it so horribly.

“Where’s Uh-ma?” I asked slowly.

“Backyard,” Juli whispered, going to help her enemy. Pity drove her; I hit pretty damn hard.

I walked out to see mom (Ty followed me), but she was not there. I sighed. She’d run off again, only to return a few days later, with a present for each of us. Ty and I sat on the porch, chatting. We watched the sunset that night, and then did our homework. Sleep followed not much after.
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