Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

7- "Where the crap are we?"

by bashfullovesbob 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-26 - Updated: 2008-02-28 - 434 words

After Daisy had finished, we all looked at each other in silence.
Another long pause.
"Hell yeah!! BRYONY! HIGH FIVE!" Daisy screamed, coming towards me.

. . . .

We got off the bus later, and looked around for the girls. As my eye caught sarah's, I
grinned, and she couldn't help but grin back. I ran down the path and hugged Sarah, and when
I looked around, i saw that Frank was hugging Bryony, Bob hugging Daisy, Mikey hugging
lauren and Ray hugging Amy.
Hmmm... How could i sense what was coming....?

. . . .


I sprinted out of my house and into the car. We were late, which was not helpful as we were
meant to be picking up Bryony on the way. Daisy's mum was picking up Lauren and Sarah, and
the guys were getting there some other way. As we drove down the country lanes, i just
realised how incredible it was that i was actually being allowed to go on this trip. Especially
with boys...

. . . .

We finally made it to the park and ride, but were horrified to find that Daisy, Lauren and
Sarah weren't here. I was slightly worried. Until they came up the driveway.
"Sorry Mikey!" Said Lauren as she stumbled out of the car
"That's ok" I said laughing.
"My mum's always late.." said Daisy, hugging her mother and running out to hug us all.
Bob laughed and we all waved to whoever was there, and were waved off to Heathrow.
As we got on the coach, I looked around at all of the people who were on this trip. All of
them except Gee, Bob, Ray and Frank and the girls, were people i didn't remember ever seeing
before. I looked at the clock.
God it's early...

. . . .

Mikey looked so sweet when he was sleeping...

. . . .

We arrived at the airport. It was crowded and suitcases littered the floor. Frank immediately
tripped over.
we all laughed and helped him to his feet. As soon as the teacher (I forget her name- Mrs
Frankals i think) let us loose, we all ran for the highlands. And the duty free shop.
We all got there, and realised there were 2 people missing.
"Uh, guys"
"What is it Bryony?" Said Frank, engrossed in his comic book.
"Where's Bob and Daisy?"
No-one had time to answer before an announcement came over the tannoy.
"This is a boarding call for flight 1204 to Antigua"

. . . .

"Where the crap are we?"
"I don't know....."
"This is a boarding call for flight 1204 to Antigua. Thank you."
"Oh shit....."
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