Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

6- Mint humbugs

by bashfullovesbob 0 reviews

Swearing!! A pretty short one, but it's getting there...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-26 - Updated: 2008-02-28 - 255 words

Bob came up to us, but i quite couldn't decide what his facial expression was implying. It
was either his "What the fuck is going on" face or his "I've just seen mint humbugs" face.
Why these two faces would be similar can be easily explained. Bob has never been sure
whether he likes mint humbugs. Whenever he sees them, he wants to try them but then he never
likes them. But he's still drawn to them...
"Whassup Bob? Mint humbugs?" I said
"No Frankster"
"What is it then?"
"Brenda said there may be enough spaces on the trip, but there might not, and I've just
realised, I don't want to go without the girls..."
"Jesus..." i said "But to be honest, i've been thinking that too.."

. . . .

We spent the whole of our lunchtime waiting anxiously for a reply from the guys. I texted
Mikey,but Bob was given the money, so i reckoned Daisy would get a text before i did. I think
she liked him....
"Lauren?" Amy asked
"Yeah?" I said
"Anything yet?"
"No" I sighed. At that second, Daisy's phone rang. She picked it up, and we heard all sorts
of gasps and "Oh gods" which didn't give us much confidence.
"yeah... yeah.... yeah, it's ok. We understand... yeah, yeah... speak to you later... ok,
bye" Daisy said on the phone.
There was a pause as she put her phone down and put it back in her pocket.
"...WELL?!" We all practically screamed at her.

. . . .
I took a deep breath.
"Bob says..."
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