Categories > Original > Drama > Lets be honest (this is gonna suck)


by Nothingtosay 0 reviews

blehblehbleh it's a summary deal with it

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-02-28 - Updated: 2008-02-28 - 615 words

Well the problems started when Hubcap Herbert turned up as I've said I was eleven at the time and dear little Dylan was one I say dear if you can count an annoying little thing that throws food and toys at you dear.
Herb was nice at first barely polite and generally ignored me but after about a month of dating my mother he started to pay more attention to me.
I wasn't really prepared to move on as fast as my mother had after all I had just lost the only father I'd ever really known even though we weren't technically related. So I didn't really let Herb into my life and I withdrew from many of my hobbies that most of my friends went to because I felt that they didn't really understand how much it hurt.
At first Herb never hit my when my mother was there he would save it for when we were alone and she was out or at work. For some reason he only hit me maybe it was because I never thought of him as a father and made it clear or perhaps it was because I was older than Dylan and therefore more entertaining to hit.
Herbert never got a job and I'll never be sure why my mother believed him when he said that he worked from home or why she didn’t even ask what he did for a living. I found out.

My dear Herbert’s amazing work from home job was nothing he sat at home watching T.V. and making bets on football matches that he subsequently lost and drinking more than anyone should consume in a day in under an hour. He would handle all the money so that my mother wouldn’t find out about his behaviour.
He couldn’t even do simple math problems by himself and I would spend many sleepless nights of my childhood sitting up with my calculator or he’d beat me. Not that it would show he was always very careful even going as far as to make any of the bruises look like I’d fallen over or hit my knee. It didn’t matter how much I complained my mother always trusted that herb would never hurt me, how could he? He was so great with Dylan as if such a “family man” could do something like that and he was so romantic and sweet.
This charade of kindness continued up until they got engaged and I refused to go to their wedding in protest he’d grabbed me and thrown me out of the house and locked me there all night, in the middle of winter. Of course I cried and my mother asked him to let me in but he must have said something to her that made her glance at me reproachfully and turn away. After a while this behaviour increased and boomed once the marriage had taken place with my mother pregnant with the twins.
When he found that I was gay he’d found me making out with one of my best friends he nearly killed me and I spent two weeks in the hospital, that soon became a common occurrence for me. My friend never talked to me again and he was soon dating this girl named Katy. That was when I was twelve.
The abuse continued and if I fought back it would be worse for me, a few times he brought some of his gambling friends to join in. This continued until I was sixteen and we had to leave our home to escape from the loan company that Herb “forgot” to pay.
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