Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

10- Madness ensues

by bashfullovesbob 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-29 - Updated: 2008-02-29 - 290 words

There was a whirl of activity and panic, and we quickly descended towards the bright blue sea.
No-one could work out how to get their life jackets on, and the flight attendents had to go
around helping people.
"I know what could help. Reading the safety instrustions" Ray said. He sat there, in the
middle of this massive commosion and read the instructions on the peice of paper. Bob and
Gerard were handed an inflatable boat, because they were the two tallest guys (who weren't
otherwise engaged). They began to blow it up, but I saw that it was only meant for 8 people.
"Screw that Sarah, we'll all jump in" Mikey said.
"Oh shit! open body of water!" Ray started to panic, which reminded Mikey. They both started
panicking, before Daisy began to reassure them.
"OK, yes it is an open body of water, yes it is worrying, but we're here, we'll be in the boat,
you'll just have to be big boys, and be brave. can you do that for me?"
"Think... So..." Said Ray calming down slightly. We now realised that we were fast approaching
the water level, and so we all took our seats, under the instruction of the stewardess.

. . . .

I sat down, did up my seatbelt and adjusted my glasses. Was this really heppening? It seemed
like a really bad dream. Like one of those dreams where you're walking along the street, then
you fall down a hole or something, and wake up with a start. Although this was real. We were
actually falling to our deaths.
A steward stood up and yelled "Can everyone please get into the brace position and-"
When there was a large splash and a massive bang.

Then everything went black.
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