Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

11- Bleeding from various places

by bashfullovesbob 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-03 - Updated: 2008-03-03 - 757 words

My head slammed forwards onto the edge of the table, which had been folded up. A pain
seared through my forehead, and i touched it to see if it was bleeding. It was. Not too badly
though, Thank god. I looked around at everyone. Most of the ten of us were alright, albeit
bleeding from various places, but i was terrified to see Mikey and Amy unconcious. All around
me, the water was seeping through the doors in the plane, and my ankles were getting wet. I
could see at least four bodies, whose seatbelts had come undone on impact floating around,
face down.
"Shit. Is everyone alright?" Said Bob from the other side of the row of seats, his voice shaking
"Mikey and Amy.." I stuttered "Wha...a..a-" Bob and Gerard undid their seatbelts, and waded
over to their seats. I watched them with horror look for a pulse, not find one, and try
somewhere else.
"They're still breathing... They'll be fine in a- Ray? You alright?"
"I- Look..." I said. The body of one of our colleuges was floating in the ever growing pool
of water surrounding us.
"Oh Fuck" Said Daisy "We've got to get out of here. Now." Our attention was drawn away from
the fallen, by Amy beggining to stir.
"AMY!" I said. "We were so worried, are you alright"
"I'll be fine" She said weakly.
"Oh shit, your nose is bleeding"
"Seriously, I'll be fine. We gotta get out of here"
"What about Mikey?" said Gerard, almost in tears. At that moment he turned his head sideways
and groaned heavily. The water was now around our knees, and i decided to take charge, for
the sake of my firends.

. . . .

"EVERYBODY! GET INTO THE DINGHY! NOOW!!" Ray screeched. I'd never heard Ray speak like that
before, but we all agreed immediately. All around, people were trying to get into dinghies,
and launch themselves out past the wreckage and debris, but it was apparently proving
difficult to et away from the plane fast enough to not get pulled back and get the pathetic
inflatable popped.
"If we all paddle" Bryony said "We might be able to get away quickly enough, but we'll need
everyone paddling as hard as they can."
"Ok," Ray said "Into the dinghy, me and Bob wll push it out of the door, then jump in."
He gave everyone a hand in, and last but not least, I jumped in.
"There ya go Lauren" He said, offering his helping hand.
"Thanks Ray" He and Bob used all their energy to push us out of the door, an then they leapt
inside the boat, and we all paddled as hard as we could away from the wreckage of the plane.
We were nearly away, when we noticed loads of suitcases bobbling around in the sea.
"Ah shit! That's my stuff!" Said Daisy
"I don't think that's really the most important thing Daisy" Said Bob, puffing and panting
"Sorry" She said and paddled doubly hard.

. . . .

We'd managed to get away from the plane, and now we were just drifting. We couldn't see the
plane anymore, and there was no land anywhere around. Mikey and Ray had spent the first hour
shaking in the middle of the boat, feeling sick with worry, but now they were feeling just
generally sea sick, they lay down the best they could and relaxed slightly.
"Jesus Christ, how long have we been bobbing for?" Said Sarah
Mikey looked at his watch "Five hours".
"Did anyone bring any food?"
"when trying to get out of a flooding plane surrounded by bodies, it wasn't the first thing
on my mind..." Snapped Gerard, obviously slightly aggitated by the heat.
"Sorry" Said Sarah and made a sad face.
"Aww, you're forgiven..."
Night began to fall, and we watched the sunset until it was completely black. The stars came
out, and it was such a bright night, that we could see all the consolations of stars that
we'd never seen before.
"Wow." Lauren said. "Hey Bryony, that one looks like you"
I looked up. "How the hell does that look like me?!"
"Well, there's your eyes, and nose and- Oh never mind" We all laughed.
We spent the whole night talking and laughing, until the sun began to rise again.
I was worried, as the boat appeared to be feeling the strain of taking two extra people.
I thought it might burst, or get a puncture. Then I heard a hissing noise.
My worst fears had been realised.
We were sinking.
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