Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

12- Round in circles

by bashfullovesbob 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-10 - Updated: 2008-03-10 - 402 words

It was all a blur for a while after Bryony told us that there was a puncture. It was a haze
of shouting, bailing and paddling to get the water out, and try and get to land. We were just
going around in circles, trying to get to a section of ocean we hadn't already seen, but
it was pretty difficult, seeing as water just looks like water. Then i spotted something.
"LAND! OMYFUCKINGGOD I SEE LAND!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Everyone looked up and paused. Then there was a sudden frenzy of activity as everyone began
to paddle towards the island that we could see. The boat was going down fast, and I knew
that if we didn't get there in the next minute and a half, we would have to swim the rest of
the way. And we all knew Ray couldn't swim.

. . . .

When Gerard spotted land, we were all so releived, for about ten seconds, until we realised
that if we didn't get there soon, we'd have to swim the rest of the way. I can't swim, and
i already had a terrible fear of large bodies of water. I started to panick, and it obviously
showed, as my paddling became weaker and i started to feel dizzy.
"Oh god, Ray? Ray?! You don't look good. At all" Said Amy to me. "Listen to me Ray, if you
don't paddle, we will sink before we get there. Ray! Did you hear me?"
I snapped back to reality, and began paddling again. I could see we were getting closer, but
our boat was basically a sheet on the water.

. . . .

Our dinghy had given up, and we were left to swim for the island. I mustered up all the
strength i could, and attempted a front crawl towards the island. It just turned into doggy
paddle though, and i soon looked back to make sure the others were ok. Bryony, Mikey, Lauren,
and I were managing alright, Amy, Frank and Sarah were struggling against the tide, and I
could just about see Bob and Gerard in the distance helping Ray.
I approached the beach.
I staggered past the rocks, and fell to the floor, closely followed by the others, who collapsed
around me, panting for breath. I sat up, and I watched Gerard pull himself over the rocks
towards us, but i couldn't see Bob or Ray.
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