Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Kisses

Dash! (kiss #9)

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A series of related short stories based on Live Journal's 30 Kisses

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Other - Published: 2006-02-05 - Updated: 2006-02-05 - 639 words

Dash (kiss #9)

By kira

Author's note: more LJ kisses based on "Moonlight" featuring Izayoi and Inutaisho.

"Here's the rules, Inu-chan, when I say 'go' you run as fast as you can through the palace until you reach your mother's rooms. If you bump into anyone you have to stop, say you're sorry and give them a kiss. Understand?" Inutaisho said to his four year old son.

"Hai!" the little hanyou prince giggled.

"Good." His father smiled. "Ready, steady....GO!"

They both made a mad dash out of the dog general's study. Inutaisho let his younger son take the lead and he was very impressed at how his son wove his way through the corridors leading to the women's quarters. Just when it seemed like Inuyasha was going to make it all the way without stopping, he ran head long into his older brother.

"What the hell?" Sesshomaru said as he glared at his younger brother before noticing his father was also there.

"Gomen, Aniki-chan! Now I have to kiss you!" Inuyasha said with a laugh.

"Nani?" Sesshomaru looked from his giggling brother to his equally amused father and back.

"We're playing 'Dash,' Sessho-kun. Remember how we used to play it when you were little...?" Inutaisho said with a smile.

"Hai..." Sesshomaru looked down at his little brother and heaving a heavy sigh, he leaned over towards him.

Inuyasha grabbed his face and gave his brother a wet kiss on the lips just as Izayoi and Tsuki came out of Izayoi's room. The two women tried hard not to laugh at the look on Sesshomaru's face, although Inutaisho laughed along with Inuyasha.

"You look funny, Aniki-chan!" the little hanyou said before he noticed his mother. "Haha-ue! Me and Chichi-ue were playing 'Dash!' It's so much fun! Chichi-ue, can Haha-ue and Tsuki-chan play too? Please?"

"Gomen, little one, but 'Dash' is a game played only by men," Izayoi said softly.

"Oh..." Inuyasha thought for a minute. "Then why doesn't Aniki-chan play with us?"

Everyone looked at Sesshomaru, who stood there looking nonplussed. "Don't want to," he said simply as he moved to Tsuki's side. "Now if you'll excuse us?" he said and after nodding to everyone, he left with her.

Izayoi bent down and picked up her son. "Did you have fun with your father this morning?"

"Hai! 'Dash' is such a fun game! Are you sure Hah-ue can't play, Chichi-ue?"

"Hai..." the dog general said he leaned over and kissed his mate.

"Chichi-ue..." Inuyasha said. "Why are you kissing Hah-ue? You didn't bump into her!"

Before Izayoi could say a word, her mate answered, "Hai, I did. You just didn't see it."

Izayoi shook her head. "Inu-chan, you don't always need an excuse to kiss someone," she said as her son frowned. "Sometimes a kiss is just a kiss and 'Dash' is just a way to get there quickly so you can kiss the ones you love, ne?" Izayoi looked over at her mate and smiled.

"Exactly," Inutaisho said as gave his son a kiss on the cheek before Izayoi let the squirming hanyou down.

"Keh!" Inuyasha said with a pout. He looked at his parents and wondered why they were behaving as stupidly as his brother did with Tsuki before inspiration hit. "Stinky face!" he cried as he gave his father a gentle slap and took off in a mad dash down the palace corridor.

Inutaisho shrugged and gave Izayoi a quick kiss on the cheek before taking off after him with a roar. "I'm the evil Stinky Face and I'm going to eat you!" he cried as he dashed through the corridors in pursuit of his son.

Izayoi smiled and blew a kiss in their direction as they disappeared from her view. Have fun, you two. /And don't forget to hurry up and dash right back to me.../

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