Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > The Lifestyles of the Bat Country


by A7X-Gal 0 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-03-03 - Updated: 2008-03-03 - 176 words

Joey POV

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It’s not good! I actually have to go to that retard’s house! Then again I suppose it’s not his fault! He only just found out himself. It’s my supposed “loving parents” fault. I suppose my bro isn’t that bad to be fair. I mean, he did come and get me AND let me live with him. Oh yeah! I haven’t told you his name yet have I? Well, his name is Zacky Baker, making me Joey Baker, yes my name is Joey, and yes I am a girl!

Anyways, back to the scene. I was gradually strolling along the pavement, scuffing my shoes as I went. I was kind of nervous to be fair. I mean I had met him yes, but I hadn’t met any of his friends yet, and I was a bit nervous about living with 4 guys!

I got to the address that Zacky had so kindly given to me, and rapped my knuckles on the bright red, wooden door.
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