Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > The Lifestyles of the Bat Country


by A7X-Gal 3 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-03-03 - Updated: 2008-03-03 - 227 words

I heard some scuffling of feet inside the door and braced myself, trying to remain confident… That didn’t work too well, as I was still scared as hell, when the door slowly opened. A random topless guy answered the door, and me being, well, me, spoke before I could register what I said.

“God dude! Put a shirt on, you might make someone sick!” Oh shit! I watched his face drop. Great going Joey! Great first impression, the guys are really going to like you now. As you have probably noticed, I’m not very good with first impressions.

“Who the fuck are you?” the shirtless guy now asked me. Snapping me back to reality, I realised he was talking to me.

“Erm… Yeah… hi… sorry about that comment… didn’t think… erm… is Zacky Baker in?” He grunted. God… did anyone ever teach this guy any manners?

“Yo, Vengeance… A chick is at the door to see you!” He shouted to someone inside. Vengeance? Who the hell was he? I decided to speak up.

“Erm… no dude you must be mistaken… I said Zacky Baker? Not Vengeance… Or whatever you said.” He started laughing in my face. Who the hell does he think he is laughing at me? My fists clenched, and I stepped forward, I think it is time this guy learnt some manners.
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