Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Never Coming Home?

by oxycontin_genocide 0 reviews

Ella goes back to the Ways'. No one knows if Gerard is still alive. Really short chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2008-03-06 - Updated: 2008-03-06 - 424 words - Complete

The drive was long and boring. I had told no one that I was coming back. I was going to surprise them. Hopefully they had nothing planned. I drove back to the apartment and I dropped off our things. I made Dacoda some lunch and then we headed to the Ways’.

When we arrived I knocked on the door. Mikey answered.
“ELLA!” Mikey shouted. He almost squeezed me to death. He bent down and gave Dacoda a hug.
“Hi Mikey.”
“We thought you were never coming back.”
“You should know I can't stay away from you for too long.” Mikey laughed.
“Come on in.” He led us into the kitchen. The kitchen was packed. I couldn’t see Gerard anywhere.
“Am I interrupting anything?” I said to Mikey.
“Nah just stupid family, I'm staying in my room the whole time. You're welcome to join us.”
“Yeah, me, Sam and Dia.”
“Yeah sure okay.” I followed Mikey to his room. Dia and Sam were sitting on Mikey's bed. Mikey picked up Dacoda and put him on his lap.
“Hi… guys.”
“ELLA!” Dia and Samantha ran up and gave me a hug.
“Where’s Gerard?” I was afraid of the answer but I had to ask.
“Uhhh… we don’t know anything Ella. He hasn’t talked to us since before he left. We only know that he was in the twin towers the day of the attack.”
“Oh…” Tears started to run down my face.
“Aww Ella, everything will be alright.”
“How do you know that? How the fuck do you know that?” I picked up Dacoda and walked out.
“Oh Ella…” Donna was calling me but I just kept walking. I put Dacoda in the car and drove back to the apartment. I couldn’t believe that I was a single mother. I wasn’t going to believe it. Dacoda went to his leap frog learning laptop that Gerard had bought him a few years ago. I sat down and watched him for awhile. I thought about what I would do if I was ever to get a phone call saying Gerard was in the towers at that time. I know I'd freak. Poor Dacoda would be affected the most. He needs his father.
“When is Daddy going to be home?”
“I don’t know honey.” I picked him up and took him to his room. It was getting late. I decided to go to bed too.

Really short I know but to make up for it I shall post another chapter :D
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