Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

New Faces.

by oxycontin_genocide 0 reviews

This Chapter is the answer to your question, is Gerard alive? XD hope you enjoy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-03-06 - Updated: 2008-03-06 - 885 words - Complete

Three weeks had passed since I had gone to the Way house last. I was at my parents again. They had pressured me to go back and apologize for my behavior that night. I was in the car about five minutes from the apartment. When we arrived I went for a shower and got dressed into a pair and skinny legs and a striped t-shirt. I drove Dacoda and I to the Way house. Mikey answered the door.
“Ella! You're back.”
“Hi, I'm sorry about last time.”
“It’s okay, I forgive you.” I hugged him. Dacoda ran past Mikey and headed inside. I walked inside. I followed Mikey to his room. He was reading comics. I recognized them as Gerard’s straight away. I sat on the end of the bed and grabbed the closest one to me. The cover read “Teen Titans: The Battle against Slade.”
“Hehe yeah these are from Gerard's room. I went in there yesterday and found them.”
“He loved teen titans, just like I did.” I was stroking the cover remembering when we had an all night marathon of teen titans.
“Mikey, dinner is ready. Hi Ella, are you and Dacoda joining us for dinner?” Donna was being followed by Dacoda.
“Only if we won't be intruding on anything.”
“Oh no, of course you’re not.”
“Well then we’d love too.” I followed Donna and Mikey out. We were having stew and I was half way through when the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it.” Donna hopped up and headed to the door. I heard Donna scream then sobbing. Mikey jumped up. He shouted, “OH MY GOD.” I got up to see what all the noise was about. Gerard was standing in the doorway. The bread I was holding fell to the floor. Next thing everything was all blurry. I could see the outlines of people starring down at me.
“What… what?”
“You fell, are you okay?” Gerard’s voice rang out.
“Yeah… Gerard?”
“Yes it’s me.” I turned around. My vision was still kind of blurry but I could make out Gerard’s face. I smiled.
“You're alive.” I tried to hug him but I fell back again. He was further away then I realized.
“I'm okay.” I sat up again. My vision had returned. Mikey, Donna, Dacoda and Gerard were surrounding me. Gerard helped me up. I hugged him, this time I didn’t fall. He pulled out of the hug and full on pashed me. Our tongues just wrestled for awhile. I felt Dacoda pulling on my jeans so I broke the kiss to look down. He had a huge smile across his face. Gerard bent down and picked him up. Dacoda snuggled up against his father. It was my two boys, back together. This is what I loved most about being a mother. I walked to the kitchen to finish my dinner. Gerard and I decided to stay the night.
“I can't believe you're really home.”
“I'm sorry I didn’t call. But you should meet the guys they are awesome.”
“I also can't believe you're in a band. I always knew you could sing.” Gerard smiled and pulled me closer.
“How about I introduce you to the guys tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I wanna know who you’ve been hanging out with.” Gerard kissed me on the forehead.
“Okay I’ll call them up tomorrow.” I headed to the left side of Gerard’s bed and climbed in.

It was twelve thirty; the boys from the band were due to arrive now. One had already arrived. His name was Ray. He was a friend of a friend of Gerard’s from when he had attended art school. Ray said he was a bit skeptic about starting a band. Gerard said that there was only one more to come, Matt, who would be playing the drums. The doorbell rang and Matt entered.
“Hi, heard there was a party.” He smiled.
“Hey Matt.” Gerard walked over to him and they shook hands.
“You must be the famous Ella. Gerard wouldn’t shut up about you. He missed you like fat kids miss cake.” Gerard smiled, I giggled.
“Nice, I'm hungry.” Gerard rubbed his stomach and walked to the kitchen. He returned with five plates containing hot chips. Gerard handed me three plates and gave the other two to Ray and Matt. He walked to my side and took a plate. I sat on the floor next to Dacoda and handed him a plate. We ate for around 10 minutes when Gerard had finished. He decided to set up buzz.
“Do you even have a name yet?” They all looked at each other. Gerard shook his head.
“We have been thinking of some but we want one that blows all other names out of the water.”
“That’s understandable.”
We finished up our lunch, Gerard kicked all our backsides at buzz and it was now nine. Ray and Matt had left.
“You have now met the guys. What do ya think?”
“I think they are very nice. How many songs have you made so far?”
“Three, we have a performance tomorrow night. You're welcome to come.”
“I’d love to. But right now I really need a shower.” I had my shower and joined Gerard in bed.
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