Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Brothers In Arms


by Shank 0 reviews

Sakons and Ukons fight is over...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Orochimaru - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2008-03-06 - Updated: 2008-03-07 - 899 words - Complete

Sakon woke in a semi conscious state and very sore from his match with Ukon. He saw a man looking over him, treating him as he could see the green chakra being emitted from his hand. It was very dark in there, but the small amount of light that came into the room reflected off glasses that this mystery person was wearing. He remembered seeing Orochimaru before he passed out and although he knew this man wasn’t him, he figured he was with him somewhere at this place of hiding. He thought he might have been too tired to do anything, but felt like he had an energy within him. He tried to stand up, thinking about what he was going to do to take on this medical ninja. The man put pressure on his chest to hold him down and smiled, knowing what he was thinking, “You can attack me if you want, but I am healing you and it will not be in your interest to fight me.”
“Where am I?”
“I really can’t say right now, but you will soon as…I guess we are on the same side now.”
“We are?”
“We both serve Orochimaru, so yes we fight for the same person.”
“I do not serve him, my brother made the deal with him and now he is dead.” Sakon went to stand up again and pushed the medical ninjas hand out of the way. He felt the energy within him stirring with his emotion; he thought of his brother laying in pieces back in the woods and couldn’t just leave him there. The medical ninja spoke, “I believe he died from your hand Sakon, but not to worry, we have fixed your brother up.”
“My brother is alive?” The glasses man didn’t answer, but smiled. “ANSWER ME” Sakon yelled as he charged in. The medical ninja dodged all of his attacks and Sakon found it curious he wasn’t fighting back. There were a few instances, Sakon gave an opening, on purpose and still he didn’t take them. He really believed they were on the same side, but he couldn’t serve someone as evil as Orochimaru.
It was at this point that an evil voice sounded, “Where do you think you are going?” The medical ninja smiled and walked casually out of the room, Sakon was too scared to move as he knew who it was. Someone entered the room as the other exited, this person was dark and terrifying-it was definitely Orochimaru. “Why didn’t you kill me like my brother wanted you too?” asked Sakon, almost grateful in a way. Orochimaru didn’t answer right away, but he eventually did, “I needed to see what you two were like. I wasn’t only watching out of pleasure, although it was quite interesting, but it was a test, my own test-to see how strong and how fierce you were. The good news is you both pass and are working for me.”
“I am not working for you.”
“You don’t have a choice, there was a deal made and you will stick by it.”
“That was Ukon and I saw him dead, your subordinate tells me he is fixed.”
“No, you made the deal, because you and your brother are the same person now. It was only from your special abilities that I could save you and I knew this from the beginning-you are truly strong when you fight together and I need someone strong to lead my squad.” Sakon had no idea what he was talking about and watched as Orochimaru left the room. Sakon ran to the door but wasn’t quick enough as it closed in front of him, locking him into this room.
He was being held hostage now and didn’t even know where he was. Orochimaru’s voice sounded again, “Watch out behind you.” Sakon turned too see someone coming at him who had been hiding in the room the entire time. He had a kunai drawn and Sakon had no chance of being able to defence this attack, he didn’t care though-he was just going to die and take it as it comes. When the attacker’s knife was parried and he was mysteriously killed-Sakon was confused as to what just happened. He looked around the room but saw nobody else in there with him and as if reading his mind, his brothers voice answered his problem, “Its ok Sakon, I am here now.” Sakon turned his head to see that his brother’s head was jutting out of his shoulder. Sakon jumped back in surprise and didn’t make any distance as Ukon’s head came with him. “I am using your body to rest now and will help you fight when you need me.” Sakon was happy he was alive and it was then he realised that his neck was very sore and he had a power in him he had never felt, in and around his body. Orochimaru spoke again, “This power is for you Sakon and Ukon, but you are fighting for me now and my continuing quest.” There was no choice, but Sakon and Ukon didn’t mind. This man had saved them and given them a great power and now there was no need to fight each other as they were one.
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