Categories > Original > Drama > The streets are dark
First shot: he sits as smug as ever, his calm expression seems to be frozen!
Second shot: Why is he still breathing? The air in this room is beginning to seem thinner and I start to get light headed. Despite this only now do I realise that his pale fleshy hands are clasping something metallic. Two shots to the chest and he's beginning to laugh? I don't understand, what's wrong with this gun?
Third shot: his laughter is beginning to grow faint, a sickly realisation is beginning to dawn on me!
Fourth shot: by now I've realised that the shots aren't coming from me! You fool, no wonder he's so calm. Apparently Saline uses the same kind of muscle as I do, it's ironic really. Why am I still alive?
I can't feel the bullets impact yet I know that it will soon be over. Not yet though, a sickly cold rage stops me from letting it end. The gun moves as if it is underwater, more shots pound into me yet they might as well be chipping away at stone for I no longer acknowledge any of them. With a twisted smile I release all three shorts, each one sinks into his forehead again and again and again!
His gun shatters the floor as it falls and then lies still never to move again. Falling to the floor with an almighty thud, I try to catch my rasping breath and pull myself shakily to my feet. Despite everything I don't want to die like a rat beside this scum. Blind and deaf I tumble through the now empty club, looks like I scared them into going back to the marital home tonight. It's only when the cold air whistles through my wounds that I allow myself to collapse to the streets. Already I can feel the streets grasping at me as I wait like a child for my bittersweet end to come. It doesn't come though, the mocking streets are holding it from me leaving me in limbo. Eventually I go blissfully numb but remain conscious still, it seems like this is a limbo I can't escape from so easily. My mind begins to play tricks on me and I begin to imagine that she is with me. It seems so real yet it cannot be, why after everything, after all that I've done to you would choose to return to save me? You are though, once again my angel of mercy has returned to save me. You fragile hands gently caress my face like it would brake, your touch is my final redemption! Waves of tears lap at my face washing away all of my bitter sins! At last I have found a sanctuary in you my angel and for that alone I shall forever love you but the streets enjoy their malicious games and they will not let me escape, not yet! I don't mind as much though, I would willingly remain bound to the streets if it meant that I could stay here with my earth angel. I desperately desire to tell you all of this but angry at all I put it thought, my body begins to rebel against me and I can no longer pull in enough breath through my rasping chest to even begin to tell you. You truly are my angel of mercy because for some reason, which I will never understand, you know exactly what I want to tell you and more. Then you grant me my final salvation, from my lips you reach and draw away my final breath! All at once you light fills my soul, at long last the dark streets are exorcised, their chains that bound me here crumble and die! Thank you my angel, finally I'm free!
Second shot: Why is he still breathing? The air in this room is beginning to seem thinner and I start to get light headed. Despite this only now do I realise that his pale fleshy hands are clasping something metallic. Two shots to the chest and he's beginning to laugh? I don't understand, what's wrong with this gun?
Third shot: his laughter is beginning to grow faint, a sickly realisation is beginning to dawn on me!
Fourth shot: by now I've realised that the shots aren't coming from me! You fool, no wonder he's so calm. Apparently Saline uses the same kind of muscle as I do, it's ironic really. Why am I still alive?
I can't feel the bullets impact yet I know that it will soon be over. Not yet though, a sickly cold rage stops me from letting it end. The gun moves as if it is underwater, more shots pound into me yet they might as well be chipping away at stone for I no longer acknowledge any of them. With a twisted smile I release all three shorts, each one sinks into his forehead again and again and again!
His gun shatters the floor as it falls and then lies still never to move again. Falling to the floor with an almighty thud, I try to catch my rasping breath and pull myself shakily to my feet. Despite everything I don't want to die like a rat beside this scum. Blind and deaf I tumble through the now empty club, looks like I scared them into going back to the marital home tonight. It's only when the cold air whistles through my wounds that I allow myself to collapse to the streets. Already I can feel the streets grasping at me as I wait like a child for my bittersweet end to come. It doesn't come though, the mocking streets are holding it from me leaving me in limbo. Eventually I go blissfully numb but remain conscious still, it seems like this is a limbo I can't escape from so easily. My mind begins to play tricks on me and I begin to imagine that she is with me. It seems so real yet it cannot be, why after everything, after all that I've done to you would choose to return to save me? You are though, once again my angel of mercy has returned to save me. You fragile hands gently caress my face like it would brake, your touch is my final redemption! Waves of tears lap at my face washing away all of my bitter sins! At last I have found a sanctuary in you my angel and for that alone I shall forever love you but the streets enjoy their malicious games and they will not let me escape, not yet! I don't mind as much though, I would willingly remain bound to the streets if it meant that I could stay here with my earth angel. I desperately desire to tell you all of this but angry at all I put it thought, my body begins to rebel against me and I can no longer pull in enough breath through my rasping chest to even begin to tell you. You truly are my angel of mercy because for some reason, which I will never understand, you know exactly what I want to tell you and more. Then you grant me my final salvation, from my lips you reach and draw away my final breath! All at once you light fills my soul, at long last the dark streets are exorcised, their chains that bound me here crumble and die! Thank you my angel, finally I'm free!
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