Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Redemption

All You Need Is A Friend!

by Nightmare_angel 0 reviews

Frank feels alone, but somebody comes by to save him from himself!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-03-16 - Updated: 2008-03-17 - 518 words


I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay
You'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

Frank now knew why Gerard had an obsession with succeeding. He just wanted to go somewhere, to be somebody, because in reality, in that little black heart of his, he really did care about us.

Gerard cared a lot actually and now it hurt Frank, because of what he had said to Gerard.

Just because Gerard had some issues, such as drinking excessively, didn't mean he was a bad person. Come to think of it, I drink as much as him. Frank sat down the sidewalk where sat down and he cried like a little child. He didn't know how long he had cried, seeing as he left everything behind, including his watch...but he had a feeling it wasn't very long.

He looked up the stars above, and then around at his surroundings. He was on the side of the road on some random neighborhood. /Great!/There were suddenly lights coming down the street, another car, no doubt.

Frank remembered the fading paint of the van they had toured in for a year now. A memory of when he had to sleep across Mikey's lap, but three days ago. It was /so /uncomfortable, yet he had loved the feeling of being so close to a guy. Not Mikey, because he liked him like /that/, but because he knew he could count on him no matter what.

Remembering this killed Frank on the inside, and how much he truly missed everybody. He missed the feeling of knowing you'd wake up with Ray's afro in your face, or that every drink you took was followed by a,"Drinking kills blood cells, and I think you want as many as possible,"complements to Bob. And that comforting and usually understanding smile Mikey gave away so frequently when he looked like he was contemplating the issues of the earth (in reality, he was only thinking of what kind of pizza Gerard might be getting that night or something).



And, how happy Gerard would be after a performance if it went well; it seemed to light up his entire face. From his mouth to his eyes, you could just tell he was so at ease. How sweet Gerard looked like when he was sleeping with his mouth slightly open. Frank really missed Gerard, almost more than anybody else.

Frank didn't love Gerard like that though. Well, honestly, I haven't thought about that...with me.

Suddenly, Frank came back to earth, when the car went past him.

But then it stopped...and it started backing up, and it wasn't a was a white van with a familiar trailerish thing on the back of it. Three words all over it that he never thought he'd be so glad to see.

My Chemical Romance!

Then, the van stopped and Ray opened the door slowly, and stepped out into the street.

"Hey, Frank. Wanna talk about it?"
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