Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart It Can't Contain It ...

Chapter Four

by Redrox 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-03-18 - Updated: 2008-04-19 - 2316 words

“Hello Rachel.”
“Thank god I got hold of you! This is nuts! Have you seen the news! I mean what the fuck is going on over there!” Rachel had finally gotten through to someone. She had tried calling everyone but all she had gotten was a busy tone or the phone lines had been so clogged up that it hadn’t even rung. She had rushed home from the stables after hearing the radio and was in the living room when Mel had finally picked up.
“What? What’s wrong with you?” Mel sounded confused, as always.
“Well hello! Where the fuck have you been! There’s like an attack or something happening in Sydney! It’s on the news, the radio, everywhere!”
“Oh my god. Are you serious?”
“Of course I’m fucking serious! Turn on a fucking TV!”
“I can’t I’m in Ceduna at the moment at an off-roading race.”
“Well get a fucking radio!”
“Whoa ok, ok, it can’t be that bad.”
“Yes it is Mel listen to me and get a fucking radio.”
“Ok hang on a sec …”
Rachel perched herself down on her couch and stroked her beige bull-mastiff Badger, who until now had been sleeping. He wagged his tail and proceeded to lick her leg. She held her mobile to her ear and listened to Mel asking someone if they had a radio. The TV was muted in front of her. She had already watched the SA police commissioner tell everyone not to panic and to watch the news for further updates. Right now they were replaying the PM delivering the speech she had heard on the radio. He looked stressed and droplets of perspiration were forming on his neck. The speech was cut short by the news anchor reappearing with a headline that read “New footage of the attack in Sydney.” Rachel reached across badger, who was still licking her leg, for the remote. She un-muted the TV.
“Viewer discretion is advised for this video,” proclaimed the anchor woman.
Darkness appeared on the TV and Rachel leaned forwards. She could see buildings and shop signs flash past as who ever it was recording, ran. You could hear screams in the distance, the sound of braking glass and the crackling of fire. And a woman panting. Rachel was sure it was a woman. The camera shook and a woman’s face came into view.
“My name’s Clare Noble …I’m in Sydney…” she interrupted with a scream and the camera dropped to her side while she ran faster. She lifted the camera again and directed the lens in front of her. She was running down an alley. She stopped at the end and ran across the littered road to another alley. She passed a building whose alarm was screeching and turned the camera to her face again.
“We were attacked by an army. There were hundreds of them,” her breathing was ragged as her body clambered for oxygen. She stopped running and faced the lens forward again. It looked like a huge chunk of black was squirming its way towards her. The camera moved to the left as she climbed into what looked like an overturned dumpster. Rachel heard the mass get closer to where Clare was hiding. The sounds soon turned into voices.
“Move their catching up!”
The group of people moved past the dumpster in the direction Clare had just come from. The voices grew distant but Clare stayed put and silent. Rachel didn’t know what she was doing. Why wasn’t she getting up and following them? Then she heard it. The sound of ragged but steady breathing that came from several PEOPLE approached and Rachel held her breath. Rachel heard nothing but the breathing as it passed the overturned dumpster.
Rachel was now unnerved. There was no sound but the breathing. No footsteps or rustling of clothing. Rachel slipped off her couch and pressed record on the VCR. She was sure her mum wouldn’t mind if she recorded over Desperate Housewives.
Clare turned the camera to her face again. Her breathing had steadied and she spoke in a barely audible whisper.
“I was at the pub when we all heard screaming,” Clare was crying. Her face was covered in what looked like soot and she had a cut above her right eye and along the bridge of her nose. Streaming down her face were black tears caused by her make-up and fear.
“We all just stood there and looked at the door, then someone was thrown through the doors and all hell broke loose. Everyone started running for the exits and THEY came through attacking and killing everyone. I lost my friends I don’t know what happened to them!” she was bawling her eyes out now as what happened so far swept across her mind. “It was crazy they … they grabbed people! They … they … I saw … one … he grabbed this guy … and … and … twisted his … his … his neck … around …he was … looking … looking … backwards!” she stopped talking and wailed. She sat there sobbing when a loud crash brought her back to the present. Outside the dumpster someone was panting heavily. Clare began mumbling to herself and Rachel though she had lost it. ‘She hasn’t lost it. She’s praying,’ Rachel thought. The person outside coughed and then fell silent. The screen went dark. It was like that for a minute or two and Rachel thought that the TV station had stopped transmitting. Then a piercing scream sounded out, which made Rachel jump into the back of the sofa. Metal hit metal and there seemed to be a scuffle going on between Clare and the visitor outside. A man’s voice sounded out.
“Wait, wait! Its ok I’m not going to hurt you!”
Clare stopped struggling and the man spoke again.
“Are you ok?”
“What! No I’m not ok you just scared the shit out of me!”
“I’m sorry I thought you were one of them.”
“Yeah well I’m not … are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah do you have a phone or something?”
“Oh shit where is it?”
There was the sound of shuffling and the phone was picked up.
“Are you recording?” the man asked Clare.
“Yes I am. People need to know what’s going on, so they can send help.”
The man’s face came into the screen. He had a bleeding nose and his neck was bleeding a lot.
“Oh my god your neck. What happened?” Clare said as her hand reached for his neck. He pushed her hand away.
“It’s ok, I’m fine. One of those fuckers bit me,” he turned his eyes back to the camera. “My name is Mike Clark. I’m a camera man for channel nine. I was out at the festival theater working when they came out of no where and started killing people. They attacked at about 9:10 when the sun finished setting,” Mike looked away from the camera. “It was odd they didn’t like the light. They didn’t follow us into the theater. We stayed in there until the lights went out and then they stormed the place. They didn’t attack us with weapons. They … they used their hands. We managed to kill a few of them,” mike stopped talking and looked back at the camera. “I … cut … one of their … throats … but it … but it …it didn’t bleed… I cut all the way back to the spine. I didn’t mean to cut that much,” Mike’s voice got faster and faster. “But he didn’t bleed. He died. I think I cut his spinal cord. He bled from other wounds but he didn’t bleed from his fucking jugular!” Mike stopped ranting and handed the phone back to Clare.
“We need to get out of here. One of them was following me but I think I lost it.”
Clare again held the camera in front of her and Rachel saw Mike look out of the bin and beckoned to her to follow him. They reached the other end of the alley way and moved out into the road. Clare kept the phone steady as they jogged cautiously down the street.
“Jesus help us,” Clare muttered as she panned the camera from left to right. The city was in tatters. Cars were overturned, burning or smashed beyond recognition. Chairs, tables and stools were strewn all over from the restaurants and clubs along the side. Street lamps were smashed or flickering giving them hardly any light. Up ahead red and blue flashing lights came into view.
“Look it’s the cops,” Mike sounded relieved as the pair picked up the pace. The car got closer and closer. It didn’t even have a scratch on it. The driver and passenger doors were open. The two slowed down and walked up to it cautiously. Mike approached the front of the car.
“Oh no, no, no, no!”
He ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at what was in front of the car. Clare slowly walked towards him. A body of a police officer came into view. He was lying face down with a halo of blood around his head. It was still seeping out of a large hole in his skull. His creamish brain was just visible underneath all the blood. His left leg was broken in two places. His right arm had been pulled away form his torso and slung in-between his legs.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no, GET ME OUT OF HERE!” Clare started to panic.
Mike came walking up to her and grabbed her by the arms. The camera was still in her hand looking up at them both.
“It’s ok calm down. Just relax.”
“How can I relax!?! I’m stuck in a fucking Quentin Tarintino film!”
Mike’s face dropped what colour was left and he whisked Clare behind him. Clare was momentarily stunned and the camera shook but she brought the camera up just above Mike’s shoulder. Rachel saw what scared Mike, come out of a hairdressers’ to the left. It stood in the shadows and spoke in a deep voice.
“Why hello. What’s such a cute little couple doing in this part of town? It’s not very safe at night these days.” The pair turned and ran. Deep booming laughter followed them. They ran and ran. Left, right then left again, down an alley and out onto another road. They ran until their lungs sounded like they were bleeding.
“Mike … Mike! I have to stop,” her words were so forced Rachel could feel the pain.
“Ok … in here.”
They jogged over to a dentists’ and Mike pushed the door open.
“Wait here. I’ll go check it out.” Clare slid down the wall while Mike walked in. She sat for a few moments then turned the camera to her face. She had stopped crying. Her face looked dead like all her emotions had been drained dry.
“I originally made this video so people could see what was happening down here. Now I want to say something to my family. Mum, dad, sis. I know you didn’t want me to move here and I wish I’d listened to you now but I want you to know I love you all so much …”
“Ok It’s all clear, quick.”
Mike held the door open for Clare as she crawled through. The inside had hardly been touched. Everything was in its place except for a magazine table which had been overturned and one of the lights had been smashed. The other one was flickering slightly.
“What now?” Clare asked.
“We have to send this video.”
“To who.”
“I’ll send it to work then they can give it to the right people.”
“Well I said what I wanted to, so you can do it now if you want. I'll go in the back room so you can have some privacy.” Her face was blank.
“No you can stay, don’t go wondering off it’s not safe.”
“Its ok I need to pee anyway.” Clare got up and shuffled towards the corridor before he could stop her. Mike sighed and turned the camera to his face and spoke.
“Gem. I love you hunny. You’re my wife and best friend. You gave me our beautiful daughter and I love …” a scream from down the corridor interrupted him and Clare came running down the hall. The same thing they had seen by the police car pounced on her and threw her to the floor.
“Help me help me!” Mike started to move towards her when she fell silent. HE had broken her neck.
“Oh shit,” Mike ran out of the building and started down the street. The video then cut out.
The news anchor came back on air. She had been crying and was blowing her nose.
“That video was sent to us at about 10:56pm. We received it 10 minutes after it was sent due to the overloaded phone lines. To Clare’s family we send our deepest condolences and we hope your ok Mike.”
Rachel muted her again. At sometime during the video she had dropped her phone and Mel’s voice was drifting up to her.
“…Hello, Hello? Rachel are you there? I heard it, I heard about Sydney. Please are you still there …” the PM was back on the television giving the speech she had already heard too many times. Her home phone started to ring. Rachel knew something bad was going to happen to them all. ‘I knew I was supposed to go to England. I told her but nooo Mum knows best. Well I’d like to see how she thinks this could be in my best interests’.
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