Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart It Can't Contain It ...

Chapter Five

by Redrox 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-03-18 - Updated: 2008-04-19 - 874 words

Kim’s face peered around the corner of Rachel’s bedroom.
“She’s here Rachel,” she whispered.
“Thanks,” Rachel sighed. She was sitting on the cold bedroom floor. She had sneaked into the house without anyone noticing, except for Kim. Nothing got past that girl. She was quieter than a mouse yet she knew everything that went on in ‘The Headland’. She did control and monitor and design all the electronic surveillance but Rachel still thought that she had some psychic blood in her. Rachel heard the front door open and close and then Naomi’s voice ring out.
“Where’s Rachel?”
“She hasn’t got back yet,” Kelsey replied in the most empowered voice she could muster, which wasn’t very good.
“Well her land rover’s here.”
Rachel heard a whisper of a voice and knew that Kim had told Naomi she was in her room to try and keep the peace. Loud thuds approached and Naomi stormed through the door.
“Well? What the hell did you think you were doing!?” Naomi started pacing. “Not charging your radio! Come on Rachel how many times do I need to tell you for crying out loud!”
Rachel had been looking at her rant and was now smiling. She wasn’t wearing her normal ‘scout kit’ as they called it. The clothing she usually wore was a black long-sleeved t-shirt and commando pants. Sometimes she would ‘spice it up’ by putting some of her badges on, but today was the complete opposite. She had bright green skinny legs on with a short sleeved Soundwave top that had a v-neck cut into it. Her hair was up and with curls in it. Her shoes were the best though. Gone where the ankle walking boots and on were the knee high lace up platforms! Rachel was grinning madly now as she got up off the floor. Usually Naomi was bout two inches taller than her, but now she was 5 inches with the platforms.
“What the hell are you grinning about?! This isn’t funny, what if you had been hurt? We’d have no way of knowing where you were or any chance of getting to you before the darkness hit! How many times do I need to tell you safety first. I know your having a bad week but that is no excuse!” Rachel actually started to laugh. Naomi’s expression changed from mad to furious.
“This isn’t fucking funny!” Rachel stopped laughing, but her grin remained. You knew Naomi was angry when she swore.
“Look Naomi, I’m sorry. I really am I was just pre-occupied with doing my chores and Kelsey’s. It won’t happen again.” Rachel walked out of the room before she could laugh again.
“Hey don’t walk away from me! You act like a kid when you pull that type of shit!” Rachel walked into the kitchen where Kelsey was talking to Kim. Naomi followed her and walked in as Rachel opened the pantry to retrieve a can of spaghetti. Kim looked at Kelsey and they both hurriedly moved out.
“Oi …”
“Hey stop going on at me I said I was sorry. Anyway I’m not the one dressed like she’s on her way to a concert,” Rachel snickered. She had no idea why she found Naomi’s attire so funny, maybe it was because she was so overdue for a laugh. Naomi’s face dropped and the front door opened and closed again. Both girls turned to face the corridor. Lindsay looked shattered as she rounded the corner.
“Hi sorry I’m late that gener… what are you wearing Naomi?” Rachel lost it again and she had to hold on to the counter for support.
“Don’t you start Lindsey!” Naomi’s voice was dark and her eyes were reduced to slits. Lindsey knew that tone of voice and Rachel was laughing at her which meant a massive fight she didn’t want to be in the middle of. She backed off, turned on her heel and started towards her bedroom.
“Stop laughing at me! What’s wrong with my outfit anyway!?” Rachel took some deep breaths and tried to act seriously.
“Nothing! I actually love the outfit but ‘safety first’ please! If something attacked you what were you going to do knock them out with the platforms? Personally I would have gone for stilettos then you could have stabbed them.”
“I … there’s nothing wrong with this outfit and if I needed help then I had my radio, WHICH WAS CHARGED, to call the nearest person to help me.”
“No don’t think that plan would have worked. I was the closest person to you and my radio was dead.”
Rachel stopped smirking and Naomi stopped looked like a bull ready to attack. After being in this mess of a world for two years you could forget sometimes how dangerous it could be.
“Look I’m sorry about the radio.”
“Yeah, I won’t wear this out again.” The girls stood facing each other. A few moments passed. The six of them were all that they had left and none of them could handle losing someone else.
“Hey Naomi.”
“Yeah Rachel.”
“Are you wearing make-up?”
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