Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Death In The Family

by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Ella gets angry at Gerard and a member of the family dies.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-03-26 - Updated: 2008-03-26 - 856 words - Complete

‘Fuck these coffees are hot’ I thought to myself as I walked to the sitting room where Gerard was waiting. No we weren’t married or engaged but we were happy. We had a son, Dacoda, who was now thirteen. I walked around the corner to the waiting room and saw Gerard. He wasn’t alone, Eliza Cuts was there too. She had her slimy arms all over Gerard, his tongue was down her throat. I backed around the corner and walked away. I threw the coffees in a bin as I passed. I decided to go home. The drive wasn’t long but my mobile went off so many times it wasn’t funny. All the calls were from Gerard.

When I arrived home I was greeted by Dacoda and his girlfriend, Jessica.
“Mum, what's wrong?”
“Nothings wrong. What makes you ask?”
“You're meant to be at Dad’s show.” A tear slipped down my face when I thought of what happened.
“I… I just don’t want to be anywhere near him right now. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” I turned around and walked to my room where I laid down and started crying. There was a knock on the door and Dacoda entered.
“Mum, what's wrong? Don’t say nothing, you're crying so I know something is wrong.”
“Nothing, just your gay ass father.” I stood up and leant on the door of our wardrobe.
“What did Dad do?”
“He… he…” I slammed open the door to our wardrobe and started pulling his clothes out and throwing them in a pile. Tears were pouring down my face.
“Mum?” I spun around. My make-up was running and I had Gerard's favorite shirt in my hand.
“Your father had his tongue shoved down another woman’s throat, but it wasn’t any woman. It was fucking Eliza Cuts.” I had to try and keep the anger out of my voice.
“Oh mum.” Dacoda came up and hugged me.
“Where is Jessica?”
“She went home.”
“Oh, I'm sorry I shouldn’t have come home.”
“Mum, don’t say that. It’s not your fault Dad is a bastard.”
“You don’t have to hate him just ‘cause I do.”
“No, no I hate him because of what he did. It was my own decision.”
“You really are the best son ever.”
“Look a smile, I'm happy now, I don’t like seeing you sad. Mum, for the record, you're the best mum in the world.” I gave Dacoda a hug and kissed him on the top of his head.
“ELLA?” Gerard’s voice sounded through the house.
“Oh fuck it’s him.”
“Don’t worry mum you stay here and do some… spring cleaning. I’ll handle Dad.”
“Okay, thanks.” Dacoda walked out and I continued putting Gerard's clothes on the floor. I caught parts of the conversation and finally footsteps. I thought Gerard was leaving but I thought wrong.
“Ella, where have you been I've… why are all my clothes on the floor?” I turned to face him.
“Because you're moving out.”
“What? Why?”
“I saw you with Eliza.”
“Don’t deny it. You had your tongue shoved down her throat.”
“Ella, that’s not the full story.”
“What? She came on to you?” I pushed past Gerard and walked to the kitchen. Gerard ran after me.
“Ella... I know you probably wouldn’t believe me but it’s the truth.”
“I want to believe, trust me I do. But that wasn’t the sort of caught off guard kiss.”
“I was shocked. I pushed her away when I realized what was happening.”
“Fuck you Gerard.”
“I swear I never wanted this to happen.”
“Just get out Gerard.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I SAID GET OUT.” I was screaming but I just wanted him gone so I could think. He looked down and turned to leave.
“The guys and I are going to the show now. Good bye Ella, I love you.”
“I hope you die.” He bent his head and left.

Three hours later Gerard had not returned from the concert, I was starting to get worried. I jumped when the phone went off.
“Hello, are you Gerard Way’s girlfriend?” The speaker’s voice was low and serious.
“Yes… why?”
“I'm sorry to say this but… your boyfriend is dead. He died in a car crash with the other four passengers.” I felt the phone slip from my hand. Gerard was… dead.

Obviously this is one of the last chapters :( my story is almost over. NOOO. Well I got sick of all the time jumping and stuff. So I did the unthinkable. Just because I killed off Gee don't think I don't worship him, because I do. LOL

Good news is, in the future there MAY be a sequel. But that won't be for LONG while because I'm working on a new story.

Now that I think about it, this is the second last chapter, the last one should be in by next week... if I don't have too much home work.
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