Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Life You Created

Black and White

by Moonshyne 1 review

Not everything is black and white.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-26 - Updated: 2008-03-27 - 1168 words - Complete

Ray’s POV

I found out Bob got custody of Mary back and I wanted to check on them. I went to the house and knocked on the door. Something looked different. A young woman answered, it looked like she had been working out.

“Can I help you?”

“Is Bob here?”


“Yeah he owns this house.”

“My husband and I bought the house two weeks ago. I was unpacking when you rang the doorbell.”

“Did he leave a forwarding address?”

“Just this P.O. Box.”

I looked at the P.O. Box and it was set up in Long Island, which meant all his mail was going through Brianna and Robby. I dialed her number and there was no answer. I made my way back to my rent a car and started dialing another number, Kenny’s. I just know he knows something.

It rang twice and Kenny’s voice was on the other end. “Hello,” he said abruptly.

“Kenny it’s Ray.”

“I know who it is.”

“Then you know why I’m calling.”

“Yeah I do.”

“Where are they?”

“You’re not going to find them Ray, so don’t even try.”

“I want to make sure they’re okay.”

“Like you really care?”

“Where the fuck did that come from? I did what I thought was best. Getting her out of there was the best. I don’t know what the fuck he told you…”

“That’s just it he hasn’t said too much about it.”

“’Cause he’s ashamed as he rightfully he should be.”

“That’s probably true.”

“That is true.”

“Well he isn’t the only one that should feel that way.”

“What the fuck are you talking about Kenny? We saved that little girl and probably Bob too.”

“Did you really?”

“What are you getting at Kenny?”

“How was Bob’s emotional state?”

“He was drunk and high.”

“First of all he wasn’t high he got off that stuff two weeks before. And as far as being drunk that’s a physical state. Did you tell him what the consequences of his actions could be?”


“Did you help him sober up?”


“When did DSS come and take Mary?”

“The next day.”

“How many hours?”

“About fifteen.”

“It took him that long to clean the downstairs and get all the laundry done and folded. Imagine how long it would have taken with five guys. So what words of wisdom did Gerard give him regarding the long road of recovery? What spiritual advice or words of encouragement did Mikey give? What did Frank do to cheer him up? You four went in the house and saw the deplorable condition but never saw the reason why? Instead you went and separated the two people who needed each other the most. Bob was drowning and instead of throwing a life preserver and save him by bringing him back in the fold and help him, give him words of encouragement, you gave him the preserver and high tailed it out of there not caring whether he lived or died.”

“That’s not true.”

“So who went back to make sure he was okay?”

“We wanted to wait until he calmed down.”

“He called me that night in tears. The man never cries but you reduced him to that. The only thing that stopped him from killing himself that night was the thought that he would never see Mary grow up. That he would miss her first day of school, prom, her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her wedding and someday grandchildren. He hated himself because he broke his promise to Sam. He needed the goal of keeping his promise since the people he considered his family, the people he cared most in the world, after Mary, abandoned him. I asked you guys a question once about saving your own. I guess the answer is no.”

“We did what was best for Mary.”

“Really? See Bob called me when he found out that Mary was a ward of the state. I pulled some strings and made sure she was fostered out to someone I personally knew. The child was miserable the whole time and so inconsolable after her visits with Bob the only way she would stop crying was to go to sleep. The only time she was truly happy was when she was with her father. You probably know him better than anyone Ray. If he truly knew the consequences if he didn’t straighten out, would he have? Don’t answer me, give yourself that honest answer. Do me a favor Ray and lose this number. Don’t try to find Bob he doesn’t need friends like you.”

With that the phone went dead. In my heart I knew Kenny was right. Things aren’t always black and white; it’s the grays that fuck us up.

Third person POV

Kenny closed his eyes after having hung up. He hated doing that but knew it had to be done. He liked Ray he really did, but they weren’t there that night or afterwards. Bob was bad really bad. He really thought he needed to take a flight out there or worse hire someone to watch him until he got there. But when they finally got off the subject of losing Mary to getting her back he knew he had Bob back. Since getting Mary back Bob has changed drastically he’s happy, out going, and having a ball with her. He even joined a Mommy and Me class with Mary. And Mary she’s such a happy baby. His adopted daughter Kimmy adores her. She loves holding her and giving her her bottle. Moving out here was the best thing he could have done.

Bob looked at the house he bought. It was small and quaint in a nice middle class neighborhood, with lots of other kids. He and Mary joined a play group and enjoyed spending time with the other parents and children. They would go to the park, and go to the other kid’s houses.
Who would have thought the he, Bob Bryar would be happy with a life like this, but he was.

The months passed quickly and before he knew it, it was Mary’s birthday and the anniversary of Sam’s death. He hated the fact that they were synonymous. The night before Kenny gave him full use of his private jet to fly out to Chicago, so he could be with Sam by sunrise. After spending a little time catching up with her he flew back home getting there just in time for Mary’s birth time. That weekend he was have a huge first birthday party for her. But he knew there was something more like someones missing. This was his new life now. This is the life he created for himself and Mary and though he missed them severely nothing could take away the pain of what they did.
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