Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Actions Do Tend To Have Consequences. They Aren't Always Good.

What's really going on in Chapter 1...

by Panic_FOB_Obsessive 6 reviews

Like the title says.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-04-01 - Updated: 2008-04-01 - 489 words

"Come on, Ry! We're going to be late!"
Ryan smiled slightly at the impatience in Brendon's voice. Despite him and the rest of the band remaining convinced that he spent a lot of time on his make up, especially lately, that really wasn’t the case. He liked locking himself in the bathroom, just so he could have a place to think. True, he had been in here half an hour, but he’d only started applying the make up ten minutes ago.
For the previous twenty minutes he had been thinking.
Oh yes. Life wasn’t all make up and guitars right now.
Ryan had a problem.
He still hadn’t properly admitted it to himself, but the base line was: he liked one of his friends. As in liked. And he didn’t want to.
He could hear Spence and Jon teasing Brendon outside. Right now he wasn’t bothered. It was a regular occurrence. Whenever it happened in the evenings, Brendon would usually give up after a while and mope around pouting, looking for Ryan. When he found him, usually he would do a cute face, pout some more and flop next to him.
Or on top of him.
Whatever he was feeling like.
Which could sometimes make Ryan feel rather awkward. Not that he was particularly complaining.
Ryan rolled his eyes as Brendon knocked loudly on the door again.
“For God’s sake, I’m coming, I’m coming.” said Ryan, finishing off his make up. After deeming it acceptable he opened the door and side-stepped Brendon who fell through the door as it opened without warning.
Brendon banged repetitively on the door of the bathroom. Ryan was taking ages doing his make up. Again.
He sighed and yelled for Ryan to hurry up.
Brendon sighed again. At least he had a chance to think.
Why did everything have to be so complicated? How on Earth could he, Brendon Urie, like Ryan?
Seriously. He didn’t know what to do. Of course, he carried on acting like he always did.
Always acting.

He thought about his…problem…all the time. He couldn’t get it out of his head. Even when he was bantering with Jon and Spencer, like now, it was always just THERE, in his head, nagging away at him. Never getting off his line of thought.


Spencer and Jon were talking in the kitchen. Ready to go. Brendon was nagging Ryan to get out of the bathroom.
Pretty normal for this time of day, really.

If only each of them knew what the other three were thinking.
If only Brendon and Ryan knew each others thoughts.
If only.


Apparently, this is what is really happening in Chapter 1. Although Chapter 2 pretty much tells you already what Brendon was thinking.
Hope people are still interested!
Sorry for the kinda late update. It’s been pretty crazy here.
Reviews are nice. 
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