Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > His Mentality Is Strained On Friendship

His Mentality Is Strained On Love...

by inkvent 8 reviews

Chapter Five...Oh and this is the final chapter...It's from Ryan's POV!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-04-07 - Updated: 2008-04-07 - 943 words - Complete

I ran.

I ran without looking back.

I didn’t know where I was going to run.

But I knew I wasn’t going back home.

I ran.

And ran.

And ran.

When I finally stopped, I was in front of his house.

The house he had invited me to.

His address was written on my hand. With a small smiley face drawn next to it.

Although I was crying, I smiled slightly at the picture.

I stepped up to the door. I knocked so quietly; I was surprised anyone heard it.

The woman who opened it was Brendon’s mother. She was a warm, kind faced lady who was wearing an apron. I suspected she was cooking something.

“Hello dear. Can I help you?” Her voice was lovely. It was the voice I expected a mother to use when speaking to a child. I wouldn’t know though. I watched her survey my face and clothes.

She took in my packed bag, my watering eyes and my muddied boots. I had run through the woods, so my boots had become dirty.

“Come in for a minute dear.” She walked up to me and placed her arm around my shoulder, gently leading me into the house. She sat me down at the kitchen table and took my shoes off for me.

She gave me a cup of something warm and showed me where Brendon’s room was.

His room was cosy. A room I would’ve liked for myself.

I finished the drink and placed the empty cup on the bedside counter.

I sat there and allowed the tears to fall freely down my cheeks. I didn’t sob, or wail, I only sat there, shaking slightly.

I waited.

I waited.

Then he was in front of me.

The person I wanted to see.


Brendon Urie.

“Ryan?” His voice sounded concerned and confused. I didn’t like that. For some reason, I wanted him to feel happy. I liked his voice so much better when it was happy and light.

“Brendon.” I choked out his name. I felt more tears roll down my face.

He walked quickly up to me. He sat down on the bed beside me; he raised his hand to wipe away my tears. But he took away his hand before he did. He restrained himself.

“Sorry.” I heard him mutter. I shook my head to tell him it was fine.

“What’s wrong?” Brendon asked me. His voice was high and wavered slightly as he spoke. I half-smiled at him.

The tears were slowing. I could feel my usual coldness returning. My nonchalant indifference was creeping slowly towards me.

I needed to tell him what I had thought when I had studied his face. What I was feeling at that moment. What I had tried to push from my mind every time I thought about it.

I needed to tell him.

I needed to tell him before I couldn’t tell him.

“Bren…Brendon…I…I…” I pushed the words out. My voice was regaining its normal dead tone. I didn’t want that, I didn’t want to be me again. I shook my head.

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t tell him.

I hung my head with sadness.

Disappointment washed over me.

I looked up at Brendon. The look on his face was startling.

He was biting his lip. Like he was debating something in his mind.

“Brendon? What’s wrong?” I asked. I couldn’t tell him my thoughts, maybe he could tell me his.

“Ryan, I have wanted to do this for…well from the first moment I saw you…” He told me the words slowly, so I could hear every single one of them perfectly.

“Brendon…” I sighed irritably; I then mentally slapped myself for sighing like that at such an important time. “Whatever you wanted to do. Just do it…”

Suddenly, I was very aware of how close he was to me.

His hands were on my shoulders, and he was shaking ever so slightly.

He moved one of his hands to the centre of my back; the other was carefully positioned on the back of my head.

My breath quickened.

He was so close.

So close.

I didn’t move. I was perfectly still.

I licked my lips slowly. My body was shaking.

He was getting closer.

It was overwhelming.

His body heat mixed with mine as he leant closer to me. I could hear his breath, feel his breath. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Mine was beating at exactly the same pace.

Then, it happened.

His lips were on mine. They were soft and even better than I had imagined them to be.

He pulled back after the shortest of seconds. I hadn’t been concentrating. The shock hadn’t settled.

He bit his lip again and hung his head.

“I’m…I’m sorry Ry…I…I…I thought…” He stuttered, I looked at him for a minute.

Than a surge of happiness overtook me.

I held his head in my hands and brought our lips together again.

It was better than the first time.

More passionate.

Our lips moved against each other in perfect synch.

In one perfect, magical, beautiful kiss.

A/N Right…that’s it…finished…OVER….

I’m not planning on writing anymore stories…unless you people ask me to…so review and tell me if you want more from me or not =]

Oh and thank you for all the reviews I’ve already got…I appreciate them so much.

And sorry for not warning you about the Rydon! =]
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