Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > His Mentality Is Strained On Friendship

Chapter Four

by inkvent 4 reviews

Chapter Four, Brendon's POV.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2008-04-06 - Updated: 2008-04-06 - 986 words - Complete

Walking home was a bit…awkward.

Well, that’s an understatement.

I walked in silence. I knew I could be walking with Ryan.

But I wasn’t.

But it didn’t really matter. I could always walk with him next time, if there was a next time.

I was walking, my mp3 was on full volume and I didn’t notice walking past a certain house. His house: Ryan’s house.

I was about to walk past until I looked up and saw him sat outside his door. His head was in his hands. He looked like he was crying.

He didn’t seem like the kind of person to cry.

I was worried. I would’ve gone up to him if he hadn’t already told me that he was busy tonight. Busy? Busy with what? He didn’t look busy.

I stopped abruptly and turned to face him. I thought I could hear someone yelling from inside the house. But I wasn’t sure.

I skipped up the steps towards Ryan, who looked up with shock as I approached.

“Brendon?” He asked. His voice was strained, like he’d been yelling. I couldn’t imagine Ryan yelling, he was always so restrained.

“Yeah, it’s me Ry. You ok?” I sat down next to him and was about to put my arm around him, but the look on his face told me not to.

Suddenly, a loud crash, followed by a roar of anger, resonated from the house.

Ryan sighed irritably and stood up.

“I’m fine.” He answered shortly. “Why are you here? I thought I told you not to bother me because I was busy.”

“You did, but you looked so sad, I had to check if you were ok!” I leapt up. Ryan sighed and glanced at the floor.

“You don’t need to worry Brendon.” Ryan glanced over at the door.

“Who’s making all that noise?” I asked. More crashes and roars could be heard from inside.

Ryan’s perfect mask of indifference faltered slightly and changed into a look of…anger?

“It’s no one.” Ryan sighed and then looked at me. I felt my cheeks burn hot pink. “Brendon. Just go home. Ok?” He stepped towards the door, opened it, stepped inside and then closed the door behind him.

I blinked a couple of times before realising that Ryan wanted me to leave. I couldn’t believe it. Ryan wouldn’t tell me anything about himself. He was so…so…irritating. I gasped. Ryan wasn’t irritating, how could I think that? He was simply…withdrawn.

I wasn’t going to just leave. I really wanted what had happened to Ryan to make him like he is. I had a feeling it had something to do with the noise inside.

I rang the bell. No one answered.

I rang it again.

And again.

And again.

I was getting bored, not to mention a little worried. The noises had quietened down now, but I was still anxious.

I knocked.

“WHAT?” I heard someone yell from the other side of the door. I was about to answer when I heard Ryan’s voice.

“I’m leaving Dad, I’ll be back by tomorrow. I’m not staying in the house with you.” His voice was different from usual. It portrayed so many different emotions at once.

Sadness, Anger, Worry, Disappointment.

I was shocked. I didn’t know Ryan felt all those things.

“DON’T YOU DARE OPEN THAT DOOR!” The angry, loud voice yelled.

“Too late Dad. You promised last time remember?” Ryan sighed. “You broke your promise, so I think I deserve to be let out once in a while don’t you?” Without waiting for an answer, the door in front of me opened and Ryan stepped out.

I don’t think he saw me. His eyes were vacant and wide. Small tears danced down his perfect face. He was holding a large bag which, I suspected, had clothes in it. He stepped quickly past me and onto the street. He walked too fast for me to know where he had gone.

I got home about half an hour later. It had taken me longer than it should have because I was thinking about Ryan.

“Brendon Boyd Urie!” The disapproving voice of my mother sailed at me from the kitchen. “Where on Earth have you been? Dinner’s almost ready!”

“I got lost mum, it’s the first time walking home after all.” I answered. I kept my voice light and innocent.

She walked around the corner and smiled at me.

“How was it?” She asked, her voice completley different now.

“It was good, I met a guy I really liked, invited him home but he couldn’t come, so I went to his house to see what he was doing but he wouldn’t talk to me so I just came home.” That’s what I would’ve said, but I would’ve been killed if I told her that.

“It was fun.” I told her and quickly took my shoes off. I dumped my coat on the floor next to me, but with a look from my mum, I hung it up instead.

“You should’ve at least tried to get home faster!” She smiled again.

“What? Why?” Confusion filled my mind. Mum didn’t usually care about me getting home, as long as I made it in time for dinner.

“You’ve kept your friend waiting, go on up now, they’re waiting in your room.” She winked at me and disappeared before I could ask any questions.

I frowned. A friend? No one knew me around here.

I went upstairs quickly and opened the door to my room.

What I saw next was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.

Sitting on my bed, blurry eyed and looking beautiful, was Ryan Ross.
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