Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Secrets Make Don't Make Friends

Sorry I'm Late

by wheresyourheart 4 reviews

We find out why Frank was on the plane, as in, where he's going.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-04-08 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 929 words


The plane eased onto the runway as I sit with my eyes closed, realizing what I'd just done.

Way to go Frank, tell all of your secrets to a fucking /stranger/...

Gerard and I are both silent, even as we get up and I walk by him. Being somewhat discreet about it, I scurry off the plane before he can say anything about

everything. I'm sure it made for an entertaining flight for him.

While the driver takes me to my destination, I try not to think too much about the plane ride. What had I even told him? I guess the question I should be

asking is, what didn't I tell him?

I'm so busy with my thoughts that the ride that had lasted for forty-three minutes actually only seemed like ten, and before I knew it we were stopped in

front of a small house that had stairs in the front that went down, leading to the front door. It was an odd way to build a house, I think.

I pay the driver and step out, he drives away before I can barely shut the door. Of course, I'm a little nervous about this meeting, so I sort of... stall, I

guess. The street is sort of quiet. In the time I stand there, one car goes by. Then a thought crosses my mind--- what if they can see me just standing here

like an idiot? So I make my way towards the front door and knock a few times.

"Come in!" calls out a farmiliar voice, one I knew from high school. I smiled as I pushed open the door. It was kind of weird, seeing as I hadn't really been

friends with him in high school. We were more so acquantances, and it was funny that I'd only heard a few attic demos of his band, but already agreed to be

in it. Obviously, it meant quitting Pencey Prep, but it's not like we were going anywhere, thanks to that fucking bass player.

When I step inside, Mikey is sitting on a couch along with a couple other guys. "Hey Frank," he says. "That's Matt, our drummer, and this is Ray, he plays


I nod, a bit nervous, but excited aswell.

"We're just waiting for our singer, he's always late. Probably getting his precious coffee." Mikey tells me. "Here, why don't you sit? You want anything to drink?"

I shake my head.

So we sit there for about fifteen minutes, making small talk, until the door in the other room squeeks and I hear an oddly farmiliar voice say, "sorry I'm late guys."

My mouth drops when I realize after my brain processes the voice, and I must look horrified because Ray, who has an aweful big afro for a white guy, asks me if I'm feeling alright, and I reply that I am in fact fine.

That's when he walks in the door, a Starbucks in hand. "Had to get my coffee." His eyes land on me and linger there for a few seconds more than necessary. I'm sending telepathic messages to him /Please don't say anything, please don't say anything, please don't say anything/, and he must have recieved them because he starts to complain to Mikey about some old guy that was in line in front of him.

"Um, Gerard, this is our new rhythm guitarist, Frank," Mikey says.

Gerard looks at me and smiles. Nodding, he tells me, "Nice to meet you, Frank. You have your guitar, right?"

"O-of course," I reply, starting. How lame. But I'm pretty sure you'd stutter, too if in front of you stood the man who knew all of your secrets.

"Good," Gerard says. "So you ready to plaY?"

"Sure," I say.

"come on guys," Gerard says, and everyone walks down a hall to a back room. I follow. Inside, There's a few amps, a drumset, and a mic set up. It's pretty dark, being in the basement, so Mikey flicks on a light and they start playing a song. Gerard sings as if he's holding back, and that it's just pure luck he sounds amazing. Which is how he sounds, so amazing it's indescribable.

When they finish, Ray says, "So you want to start doing some rhythm parts?"

"Sure," I say. We get everything done pretty fast, and soon it's all over and time for me to go to my parent's house.

But before I leave, Gerard stops me and asks, "Hey, want to go out for coffee?"

"Didn't you just have coffee?" I say, not in a rude way, but in a way that I'm hoping hints I really don't want to be with him alone.

He doesn't get the hint. "Yeah, but I could use some more. So what do you say?"

I swallow. He looks pretty nervous, asking me something as simple as if I wanted to go get a coffee with him. So cute. How could I possibly turn him down? My guilt would just eat away at me.

Somehow I feel my guilt won't be too bad.

"Well, sorry, can't tonight," I say. Was it just me, or did he look pretty disappointed?

"All right, maybe tomorrow then. See ya," he says, but I'm already out the door and up the stairs.

And yeah, I'm pretty much making my own MCR history up. Because I know Frank probably already met Gerard and all, and like knew of their band, but yeah. It makes for an interesting story :)
DON'T FORGET TO REVEIW. It's what makes me want to write !
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