Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 6 > Kohlingen


by TheGeminiSage 0 reviews

Locke meets his best friend.

Category: Final Fantasy 6 - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Locke - Published: 2008-04-08 - Updated: 2008-04-09 - 459 words

I don’t remember how old I was - maybe five or six - when I met Jamie. Nobody really wanted to hang out with the bastard kid because I guess they thought it was contagious, so I had gotten used to poking around the village and doing my own thing...without pissing anybody off. But here was this other kid who lived near me not doing anything either, except just sitting there playing with his jacks. He’d toss the ball and pick up a few, and when he didn’t get enough he’d cheat and grab another one while the ball was still in his hand.

I’ll admit, I was pretty jealous.

I’d never had any jacks.

So I came up behind him and asked him if I could play.

Man, I’ll never forget the way he jumped, either. I guess I was quieter when I was a kid or something, cause he never heard me coming. Of course, he told me they were his jacks and they were new and he didn’t want some other stupid kid to break them. So I told him he was stupid, too (how do you break jacks?), and I left and went back to my hiding spot to spy on him some more and practice crossing my eyes when I got bored. (Hey, it’s a really cool trick.)

Wouldn’t you know it - that idiot eventually just fell asleep. I didn’t notice till I got bored crossing my eyes and looked at him again, but there was he was, back against a tree, all passed out with his jacks laying right there beside him.

Too easy.

When Jamie woke up, I was sittin’ a few feet away, playing with my new jacks.

Boy, was he ever mad. Pitched a fuckin’ fit. He called me a thief, and said those were his jacks and how could I just take them like that, and I just sat there cool as anything, playing with my jacks, and let him keep going till he ran outta steam. (That always worked with Grandma, too.) When he was all done I told him it was finders keepers, and since I had found the jacks they were all mine. He just kinda stood there starin’ with his mouth open a minute, and then asked me if he could play jacks.

“I dunno,” I drawled, “They’re new. Just got ’em.”

“Please? I won’t break ’em.”

I told him he was an idiot, because you can’t break jacks unless you’re really trying, and I handed him the ball.

“I’m Locke,” I said.

“I’m Jamie,” he said back.

And, well, we’ve been friends ever since.
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