Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > A Trainer's Journey
A Trainer's Journey
(#) IWCT 2006-02-12
Awesome chapter! I love the mother! She's just so outrageous. And the father's good too. I see Charmander is progressing steadily, but he still isn't as three dimensional as your humans characters.
BTW, I forgot to tell you, I loved the notebook idea. I always think it's much better than the pokedex, which can only tell you so much.
Wonderful chapter. Twenty more kudos for the nice battle, and the interesting rival.
Author\'s Response: I'll try and respond to all your questions in this one response. I originally posted this at and that is why the story was developed in the later two chapters thanks to reviews from there. Pokemon characterisation is the point I'm working on in the latest chapter, it's Pidgey, Rattata and Spearow that I need to work on. I'm gonna follow the game pretty closely, tieing in the anime where I can (as often as possible, in fact the first proper tie ins come next chapter). I may stray off the beaten track and visit a few extra towns like in the anime but I'll be going for the traditional eight badges from the game. Thanks for saying Kendo is interesting though, I was afraid people'd hate him.As for how Josie's gonna train all her's impossible really isn't it, but look how many times Ash got away with using rookie pokemon in the series (Krabby defeating all 3 and evolving on the water field for example). That'll be kept to a minimum though, don't want to be a Mary Sue god forbid.Lastly, glad you love the mother...between you and me...that is what my mother is actually like, embarressing to say the least. Thanks for all your advice, didn't expect any so fast (I only logged off for dinner lol.)Welsh Charizard.
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