Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Wouldn't It Be Grand To Take A Pistol By The Hand?

Wouldn't It Be Grand To Take A Pistol By The Hand?

by XdarelaughX 2 reviews

Amber and Myriam go on a trip. They meet someone at a crummy Starbucks, which changes their lives forever. Who? Read to find out.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-04-06 - Updated: 2008-04-07 - 498 words

It's been 7 years now. I remember it too clearly. The beams from the sun shifted though the library windows, unusually bright for February. I remember squinting to see who had just entered, smiling recognizing him, feeling my smile crash and hearing my heart beating savagely. What made this happen? Why did he have to bring a gun to school and-


Reliving that is not the best way to fall asleep. I slowly turn around to stare at my alarm clock. 4:37AM. Argh, I don't remember what it feels like to have more than one hour of sleep. Why can't I ever fly in this little world called Dream Land?

Geez, I don't know. Maybe too much coffee? Skittles? Both?

Shut up

Or maybe the fact that each time you drift off, you relive that particular day all over again?

Did I tell you how much I want to shove my little inner voice into a meat blender and feed it to my cat? Anyway, I roll out of bed and bang my head on my old high school science binder. Funny how even without seeing him since high school, Mr.Grenier still manages to piss me off.

'Son of a bitch' It always felt good to insult him, even at half past four in the morning.

I start crawling out of my room to the bathroom (yes, crawling) shower. I grab a towel and get the water running. Welcome to my daily routine: try to sleep, fail, bitch about it, argue with my inner voice, get out of bed, manage to hurt myself somehow, bitch some more, enter the bathroom, step in the shower, sing, and get forced to stop my shower by some random outer circumstance. As I wash the shampoo out of my hair, I ponder on that. Yesterday was my phone, the doorbell was the day before that, and today it will be...

BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP alarm clock ringing. Ha, let that motherfucker waste its batteries. Too tired to give a flying fuck. I start applying black eyeliner and mascara, but that clock gets the best of me. I practically fly out of the bathroom to smash that machine from hell when it finally stops. Hooray for timers! Now back in my room, I quickly slip on my classic black skinny jeans and decide to pull on my Skittles t-shirt, shoving my FOB pin in it. I quickly shrug on my Nightmare hoodie, shove a random hat on my head, grab my keys, wallet, and cell phone, and run outside to my car.

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Ok so umm, this is my first FicWad post -waves- I sure hope this turns out like I want it to...
This is crossposted on Mibba, yes I am the original author, so no 'OmGzzz i ReAd ThIs AlReAdY!!11one! Ur A fAkE1!!1'
Mibba = X dare.laugh X
FicWad = Xd
...see the connection?
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