Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Wouldn't It Be Grand To Take A Pistol By The Hand?

One Hell Of A Team

by XdarelaughX 0 reviews

Meeting Myriam and Amber

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-04-10 - Updated: 2008-04-11 - 595 words

An hour later, my friend and I are on the road

"I cant believe you're making me come with you" Myriam, my supposed best friend, grumbles

"Stop whining, will you? You practically begged me to take you. Not my fault we had to leave at 5:30 this morning" I reply while carefully taking my coffee from the moving car's cup holder, desperately trying to steady the open Tropical Skittles bag on my lap. Doesn't give the best results.

"Amber, why do you even wear that shirt? You look like a bloody ad"

"That's just a part of what I can do for these wonderful people who provide me with these rainbowy swirls of tastefulness"

Myriam just stares at me blankly "You're WAY too cheery for your own good in the morning"

I just grin cheekily "Tell me something new"

I just realized I haven't introduced myself. I have no manners. Amber White, 23 year old wannabe novelist, singer and lyricist in some unknown punk/rock band that will probably stay unknown, college dropout, easily hyper when given caffeine or sugar. What I look like is for me to know and you to wonder. All in all, I'm a loser, bit I'm the coolest loser ever. Pleasure to meet you.

That dickhead of a friend sitting in the passenger seat of my car is Myriam. We've known each other since 5th grade and inseparable ever since. All I have to say about her is that she listens to shitty music.

"It's too quiet here. I'm putting some music" I suddenly declare.

"All right. And please, anything but- "

Long ago
Just like the hearse you die to get in again
We are
So far from you...

"...My Chemical Romance" She finishes

See what I mean by 'no taste in music'?

"Oh puh-lease, dont make me put P!NK again"

The ride then reduces to silence, excluding MCR pumping through the car at full blast. Tapping on the steering wheel to the beat, I start to sing along when the first chords of To The End come up, earning a sigh from Myriam. If we keep rolling like this, we might just arrive in time to check in our hotel in the outskirts of New Jersey. Or destination is actually New York, but do you have any idea of the price of a room in New York? I thought so. We finally arrive at the border after 3 hours of driving and arguing about music. I'm about to burst her Rihanna CD. I rummage around for my papers while the elderly couple in front takes all their time. When it's finally our turn, I move my car up.

"Where are you going?"
Wow, hello Ms. Cranky person you. I'm doing great, and you? "New York"
To get away from people like you "Business"
"When are you coming back?"
When cows fly hand in hand with pigs "Not before a month"
I hand them to her and turn to Myriam. She has a desperate look and I suspect my face to have moulded that way too. Quick check in the rear-view mirror. Yup, bull eye Amber, way to go. I get my papers back and drive off.

A/N- Amber and Myriam are Canadian (French Canadians in fact)

Also, I was thinking of updating this story every Saturday. I just have very low self-dicsipline. But I'll stick to it now, I swear!

Please bear with my FicWad retardness. Call me a n00b or w/e, I'll get the hang of it eventually ;]

I think I'll shut up now...
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