Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Wouldn't It Be Grand To Take A Pistol By The Hand?

Check into the Hotel Bella Muerte

by XdarelaughX 0 reviews

The girls finally arrive in Jersey... I know it drags on but MCR'll be in the next post I promise!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-04-26 - Updated: 2008-04-26 - 477 words

-feels very bad- I'm so sorry for not updating last week! Everything was hectic and I couldn't come around to posting and then FicWad was being a bitch by not logging me on and when I wanted to send my password vai e-mail incase it had changed ot said that no user had that e-mail but now I'm back! -deep breath-

Okay I'm better now. So please, enjow =3 Next update saturday.

After 13 hours of driving, we FINALLY arrive in Jersey. We jump out of the car, me to take care of our check-in, Myriam to make a beeline for the restrooms. Arrived at the counter, I come face to face with a secretary not much older than me. His nametag says 'Marcus'. Well hello Marcus.

"Hi. I um, have a reservation under the name of Amber White"

"Ah yes, let me just check" He said without glancing up from his file.
Ah, sorry Marcus, I don't like you already.

"There we go. Room 1437. How many keys? I understand that you won't be taking two queen beds for yourself now" He looked up from the desktop computer and smiled warmly
Scoring points here.


"Well here you go" He hands me two card keys and adds,"The pool and exercise rooms are on the basement floor, breakfast is served on the ground floor from 6:30 to 10, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me"

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind"

I turn around to see that Myriam had returned and motion her to help me get the luggage. She just smirks and follows me. Uh-oh. Arrived at our room, she finally drops the bomb.

"That guy was SO flirting with you" she tells me.

"Oh ya, he informed me about the hotel, he totally wants to bang me" Please note the sarcasm dripping from every word here.

"And you think he checks out every customer's ass to a point of neck rupture?" What? He wasn't checking my ass out. Was he?

"Hope not. That would be scary" Ha, much better comeback.

She rolls her eyes "So, what do you want to do? Your appointment is in two days."

"Let's see. I've been driving around for more than half the day, I'm out of skittles, but I need energy. So that brings us to...STARBUCKS!"

"As long as you drive, I have a feeling I'll get us really lost if I get behind the wheel"

"At least you admit it"

In the car, I start singing my own composition that just popped up in my head on the beat of Mountain Town in South Park

"Off to the Starbucks we shall go, where we learn everything that we know, 'cuz the Starbucks has just, what our parents don't have time to say!..."



"Shut the fuck up"

"Meaniepoo" I stick my tongue out at her


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