Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Being Mini G Way


by icyblue858 4 reviews

Jack gets a request from Amy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-10 - Updated: 2008-04-11 - 1583 words

Gerard’s POV
I walked into my bedroom and to my surprise Em was awake.

“Your still awake” I said as I snuggled up to her.

“Yeah. Something is up with Jack” She said looking thoughtful.

“Something is always up with Jack” I said trying to ease her worrying.

“Amy is back” I said, I hadn’t told her yet.

“Amy Amy” She asked.

“That would be the one. Her fathers job got transferred back here” I said pushing a stray hair behind her ear.

“Is he taking it hard. He had it bad for her” She said giving me a worried look.

“I think she is not the same girl he knew” I said sadly.

“That must be hard for him. I wish I could make things easier on him” She said, I know she felt helpless.

“I do to, I have been there done that. There is not much we can do. He is a tough kid Em, he can hold his own” I said smiling.

“I know, I just worry” She said and laid her head on my chest. A comfortable silence fell. I still loved to feel her in my arms, I still thought she was the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She grew more beautiful with age.

“Why can’t I get pregnant” She whispered.

“I don’t know baby. Maybe it just isn’t meant to be. I know it is a shitty line but it is true” I said running my hands through her hair.

“I mean I know I am getting older but I am not that old” She said with a sigh.

“G, I think we should stop now. Ya know trying. Jack is gonna be 16 in a month or so and well... I can’t take anymore disappointments” She said sadly.

“Okay, but only if it is what you want. Who knows it might happen once we stop trying. I mean you and I never have planned pregnancies” I said with a laugh, I felt her laugh too.

“You can always cheer me up” She said and planted a kiss on my lips.

“I love you” She said.

“I love you too” I said and kissed her lips again.

Jack’s POV
I slipped under the covers after a long hot shower. I no longer smelt like cigars and beer. Good thing mom was in bed. She can always seem to know when I am doing something wrong. I let my mind wonder to Amy. I thought I had known her but in the end she was just like everyone else. Let Mike have her! I heard my text messaging go off, I grunted and picked up my phone to see who it was.

“We need to talk” ~Amy. I read it over a few times. She wanted to talk. Well I had nothing to say to her. I said it all earlier.

“No, I have nothing to say to you” Was my response. I turned back over hoping that was it, then I heard the noise again.

“I’m sorry” ~Amy was all she wrote. I then felt a pang of guilt for the way I had treated her. Why is it that women can make us so damn soft.

“We can talk tomorrow” I typed it and stared at what I was about to send. I was just burning her picture a few hours ago and now I am agreeing to talk to her. God I am pathetic. I pushed send and mentally kicked my self for giving in so easily. The next morning at school I walked over to my locker, I had seen her right as I walked in but chose to ignore her. I still had my ipod playing when I felt a tap on my back.

“You said we could talk” I barely heard her say. I didn’t answer so she pulled down my hood and yanked out my ear phones.

“What the fuck” was all I said as I turned to glare at her.

“You said we could talk” she said now angrily.

“Then talk” I said and turned back to get my books out of my locker.

“I am not like them” She whispered where only I could hear. I stopped for a moment then shut my locker.

“I cheered at my other school, I got sucked into it and well the girls hear knew and wanted me to join. Because of that you don’t want to be my friend. You are making it like I am the one who punched you” she said and I now turned to face her. She had on a black skirt that hit right above the knee, an pink colored shirt with a black sweater over it. It all fit her body perfectly. She had her hair up and her eyes were extra blue it seemed. She was beautiful. I couldn’t speak for a second.

“Please Jack I don’t want to lose our friendship” She said and touched my arm. A chill went down my spine and her hand was burning a whole in my arm.

“You wont lose our friendship” I said showing no emotion in my voice. Then I turned and walked away. She still made my heart stop, Damn!

After school I was at my locker when I felt a shove I turned to see Mike.

“Oops sorry didn’t see you there” He said then laughed. One of his stupid friends laughed too. I shook my head and turned back around.

“I am going out with Amy tonight after the football game. Don’t worry Way I will show her a good time” He said and laughed again. My heart was pounding against my chest and my hands were shaking. I couldn’t react, I couldn’t give him what he wanted.

“What you don’t want to defend her honor this time?” He said angrily in my ear. I turned and he was right in my face. I stared him down for a second then pushed past him. I walked out towards the bus that I now saw was pulling away.

“Shit” I missed the bus.

“Jackie you okay” I heard Amy say, I heard her walk up beside me.

“I missed the bus” I said angrily. I started dialing Ray.

“I would give you a ride but I am staying for practice” She said sadly. I heard Ray pick up.

“Hey Uncle Ray. I missed th bus and well you live closer to the school” I said quickly.

“I will be there in a few” He said then he was gone.

“He picking you up” She asked.

“Yeah, he should be here in a minute” I said.

“It is cool that you two are so close” She said with a smile.

“You have such a close nit family” She said and patted my arm.

“Yeah, they are all great. But Ray brought the musician out of me” I said, I had spoken more than I had planned to.

“Are you playing the guitar” She asked.

“Yeah” I said not wanting to talk anymore. “You any good” She asked with a smile.

“I guess” I shrugged.

“You still draw” She asked, why the interrogation?

“Yep” I said. I spotted Ray’s car.

“Well he is here, talk to you later”I said as I walked off.

“You should come watch me at the game” She said, I turned.

“I don’t go to school events” I said then turned. “I will be there, I would love it if you came to watch me” She said, it almost sounded seductive. I gulped then got into the car.

“That Amy” Ray said as we pulled off.

“Yeah”. “She grew up” He said with a laugh.

“Tell me about it” I said thinking about her request. Should I go?

I got home drew a little, then took a nap. When I woke up my clock read 6:45pm. The game started at 7. She wants me to come see her. Should I go? I can’t believe I was thinking about going to a school event and a sporting even at that. I took out my cell and called Deek. “Hey Jack what’s up” He asked.

“Deek, you uh, you want to go to the football game tonight” I asked then all I heard was laughing.

“I am serious” I said trying not to be angry.

“Does this have to do with Amy” He asked.

“She wants me to come, she um... She asked me to come” I studdered. I couldn’t believe I was having this discussion.”You want to go support our school’s football team” He asked seriously.

“No I want to go to...” I stopped.

“You want to see Amy” he spat out.

“Yes” Was all I said. I had a hard time discussing my feelings, and well I had a hard time talking in general, he knew this was tough for me.

“I will go” He said quickly.

“Really” I said.

“Yeah, you owe me big time though” He said then we discussed out transportation. I still couldn’t believe I was doing this.

*Okay so I have written at least 4 new chapters for this story and I really want to post them...How do you guys feel about me still updating the old dtuff but adding a part 2 to the story and post the new stuff under that? Let me know what you all think :)
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