Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Being Mini G Way


by icyblue858 0 reviews

Going to the game

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-13 - Updated: 2008-04-14 - 1102 words

Jack’s POV
I paced by the front door and bit my nails as I waited for Deek and his dad to get here. “You sure you want to go”I heard my dad ask from behind me. I just shook my head yes. I had on a misfits shirt that Uncle Frank had given me, a black hoodie I stole from my dad, black dickies and my black boots. I saw the headlights before I heard the horn.

“Have fun... Um I guess”I heard my dad awkwardly say from behind me. I walked up to the car and jumped into the back seat. I don’t know what his dad was listening to but it was horrible. No one spoke as we drove up to the school. I could see the lights from our stadium on, I felt dread in the pit of my stomach.

“I will be back at 9:30, call if you want me to get you earlier” His dad said, it seemed he too was confused on why we were going. We stepped out of the car and Deek gave me a, do we really have to do this? Look.

“You definently owe me” He said as we walked towards the stands. I had my hood over my head, I thought it made me less noticeable. We decided to stand beside the bleacher not sit on them.

“You have a cigaret” I asked him, needing it to calm my nerves.

“Yeah a buddy of my got them for me” He said and handed me one. I lit is and immediately felt a little calmer. I spotted her in her cheering uniform. It made me laugh in disgust. She had a ribbon in her hair and it look like glitter on her eyes. She looked ridiculous.

“I am getting something to drink, want something” Deek asked.

“Nope” I said and watched him walk away. Just then her eyes found me. She smiled and nodded her head my way. I nodded back not having any sort of expression on my face. Deek returned and it was half time. The football players left the field and the cheerleaders from the opposing team began to cheer. At that moment I wanted to do nothing more than bash my head against the wall.

“You made it” I heard her say as she walked over towards me.

“Yeah” I said and lit another cigaret. She took it from my mouth and stomped it under her white shoe.

“Hey, why did you do that” I said pissed.

“Because it isn’t good for you. You know better” She said.

“You sound like my mom” I said tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

“Glad you could make it to Deek” She said sweetly. He just smiled.

“Why the hood? Are you robbing a bank” She said and pulled it down.

“I like your hair and you can’t see it under your hood” she said and touched my hair. I tried not to blush or react to her touch and attention.

“Hey Amy we need you” One of the other cheerleaders said with an eye roll.

“Gotta go, meet me after the game”She said and walked away. I watched every step she took, taking her body in.

“She likes you” Deek said as he patted my back. I just shook him off and threw my hoodie back over my head.

The game ended and I couldn’t believe I had sat through an entire football game. Not that I really watched any of it. I saw her talking to some people then she headed over to me. I was leaning against the bleachers. Her smile grew bigger as she approached me.

“You look more and more like your dad everyday” She said as she stopped in front of me.

“So I here” I said slightly smiling.

“Well at least that made you smile.

“I am gonna go look out for my dad” Deek said and gave me a wink.

“I am really glad you came, it meant a lot” She said and touched my arm. I moved away.

“Stop” She said and touched my hand. I just looked ast her, she wouldn’t let it go.

“Who do we have here”I saw Mike say as he walked over towards us. She let my hand go quickly.

“Decide to come out and support the team” He said laughing at himself.

“No he came because I asked him to” Amy said with her hands on her hips.

“Isn’t that adorable” Mike said giving her an evil look.

“Jack my dad is here” I heard Deek say, that was my cue to leave.

“Run away Way, you always do. Fucking Fag” I paused as the remark left Mike’s lips.

“Just walk away Jack” I heard Amy say. I turned slightly, then hung my head and headed towards Deek’s dad’s car. I would not stoop to his level, not like I had before. It gave him to much
pleasure. I walked into my house around 10pm. Dad was on his lap top on the couch.

“Should I even ask” He said without looking away from the screen. I shook my head no and headed up the stairs. I couldn’t believe I had shown my face there. I can’t believe I didn’t floor Mike. I can’t believe she touched me. She held my hand, it was only for a moment but...

“How was the game” I heard Lena ask me, I turned and saw her stand at the door.

“Horrible, I hate football” I said and kicked off my shoes. She walked in and sat at my desk.

“I would kill to go to a highschool football game” She said looking down at her feet.

“Believe me they are boring” I said looking at her.

“For you maybe, I think it would be fun. I would love to be a cheerleader” She said still looking down at the floor.

“Why?” I asked with disgust.

“I have a lot of energy and I unlike you love school” She said looking at me.

“Why are you so scared of what is different from you” She asked.

“You hate those who hate you for being different, yet you do the exact same thing” She said and walked towards my door.

“You have no clue” I said between gritted teeth. She just shook her head and walked out.

She didn’t understand me, no one really did. Sometimes, just sometimes I felt like Amy did though. I felt like she saw straight threw me.
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