Categories > Original > Romance > Loving a Ghost

Loving a Ghost

by kimbolee 0 reviews

This is my first story so it is probably really bad but oh it anyway. I will continue it, but yeah. Idk, just read it and tell me if you like it or don't like it. By the way, the st...

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-01-26 - Updated: 2008-01-27 - 653 words

Chapter 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I knew. I knew he would come. He never told me, yet I did not doubt that something would happen tonight. A silhouette appeared in the doorway to my room. It wasn't instinct that told me it was him; that tall, fit body, the muscular build, and the broad, handsome shoulders told me it was him. I could feel the presence of his soul drift around me.
I could see that he had on a black and white checkered sweater, and his jeans weren't falling down but they weren't too tight, either. His red hair was straight, and it came down to his ears. It was messy today, but it still looked stunning. He was about 5' 5", considerably taller than me when I was standing. Now, in my bed lying down, he appeared extremely tall. I felt something cover me, in a way, like a force that protected me from danger. His presence had always been relaxing, but tonight was special. It felt as if he had released all of my problems.
He slowly walked to my bed. "Chelsea?" he whispered. "Are you there?" I rose up from my mattress, nodding my head yes. He sat on it next to me. The light from my doorway made every hair on his head glisten, every beautiful fiery red hair. "Drew," I whispered, "I need to tell you something." He shook his head. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I already know, babe."
Though his hands were large, they were so gentle. His touch sent shivers through my whole body. As he drew back, his hand came up and momentarily rested on my neck. I felt paralyzed by his gaze, but I leaned over to turn on my lamp. "I love you, Drew," I whispered softly.
At any other time, it might have sounded stupid, or something from a cheesy love story. But I was serious. My feelings for him had grown over the past month. We had met at my dad's wedding. It turned out that he was my step-mother's friend's son, so we were in no way related. We were in the same grade and went to the same school, yet somehow we had never known each other. Last week we officially agreed to be best friends forever, but now I had to tell him my true feelings about him. And I did.
He leaned in, and his lips brushed mine. I felt his hand caress my cheek. He suddenly drew back. I looked into his cerulean eyes, knowing that he was checking to see if he could, indeed, kiss me. A beast roared inside of me, one that I had never met before. I dove on top of him with such force that he fell over on my bed. Our lips met quickly, and I passionately kissed him.
I stopped abruptly, and felt his breath on my neck. I rested there for a second, and began to kiss him again. But this time he did not kiss me back. I sat up; his head fell to the side. He was pale, very pale. "Drew?!" I asked, panicked. My hand reached for his wrist, and his pulse was slow, too slow. His soul had seemed to die, and I had no blanket of comfort surrounding me. I knew about illness and disease and all of that stuff, and something from within me said, "Drew is in a coma." I knew it had to be true. I picked up the phone and dialed 911 numbly. A friendly operator's voice answered suddenly with, "Hello. What is your emergency?" I mumbled something. Within minutes now the ambulance siren sounded outside of my house. Dad and my step-mother were out. I jumped in the ambulance with Drew, telling them that I was his girlfriend and that I really needed to stay by him. They allowed me to come.
I soon passed out.

To be continued...
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