Categories > Original > Romance > Loving a Ghost

3 Weeks Later

by kimbolee 0 reviews

This is really different from the whole story, so don't be too surprised, because I'm telling you this.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-13 - Updated: 2008-04-13 - 571 words

Fast forward: three weeks later, Drew is fine. Apparently he has a severe allergic reaction to peanuts. And he had peanuts. So he fell ill. But the doctors helped him, and voila, Drew is better.
And, something very, very big happened. Well, to me anyway.
I've completely changed.
You see, Irene, the nurse, well, turns out that she's like 5 years older than me. I don't really care about age...
Okay, I'll say it now: I've decided that I'm bisexual.
Yippee! Nope, not really. Dad still loves me, but now evil step-mom has disowned me, so Dad just goes along with it, sending me money often. I live in an apartment. Coincidence: this apartment is next to Irene's.
I haven't broken up with Drew, but I'm planning to. I love him, but since my sexuality-preference has changed, my feelings for him have also changed.
Note: the only people that know I'm bi are my parents and see, I told Drew that my parents caught me smoking crack and disowned me, so he thinks that's why I'm living in some apartment. Not exactly close to the truth, but...
I'd better tell you this too: Irene and me are not friends anymore.
We're more than friends.
Which isn't such a good thing, seeing that Drew and I are still "going out."
I'm going to Irene's right now. Exactly 23 steps away from my apartment. Twenty-three anticipating, anxious steps to Irene's.
[going to start talking in present-tense now]...
I walk into Irene's apartment. The smell of roses meets my nose.
She's never gone that far.
Ooops...I didn't even bother to knock. I guess I'll surprise her.
I walk into her bedroom.
She's facing the window, dancing to "Love Song."
I sneak up on her, and grab her shoulders.
And...she screams, and turns around.
The look of terrifiedness turns into sweet, gentle, lovingness.
I hug her. "Irene!"
"I missed you," I sigh into her neck.
She pulls away and looks at me blankly.
"What?" I ask, with a puzzled look.
She rushes towards me, and grabs my shoulders.
Her lips meet mine, for the first time ever. I've never kissed another person of the same sex before...
Now I'm thinking, "Family kiss, ew, ew, ew, she's going too far."
But then my lips melt into her.
I know how I feel about her...I didn't think the feelings were so deep.
But they are.
I don't exactly like being bisexual, you see, but it's a thing a person can't help.
Irene's lips taste like cinnamon, sweet cinnamon.
I lean into the kiss.
Guess what happens?
Her tongue...ew, wet slimy tongue...sneaks into my mouth.
It seems to search around my mouth for something.
Is Irene...a bad kisser? Ha.
But, ew, this is really gross.
She giggles, then forces me into her bed.
What is she doing?
"Irene," I whisper quickly, I'm kind of out of breath here.
But she leans into me more. Now, I'm laying in her bed. She's lying on top of me...forcing her tongue virtually down my throat.
She starts to take off my shirt...

[Author's note: Okay, this is all fiction. My name is not Chelsea. And I'm just making this story up as I go along.
And, by the way, I'm straight. I'm just guessing how Chelsea and Irene feel.
I'm trying to 'expand my views.' Apparently it helps your creativity or something...
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