Categories > Original > Romance > Loving a Ghost

Where I Wake up

by kimbolee 0 reviews

Chelsea turned out to be dreaming.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-27 - Updated: 2008-04-27 - 380 words

I wake up, a bit dazed. I'm right next to Drew's bed, and I feel all fuzzy. I guess I fell asleep or something. My eyes travel to the little clock above his bed. It's almost 2:00 AM, and I feel exhausted. I guess I was stressed...

A little lady walks into the room. She's wearing this small white nurse's outfit sort of thing, and I look at her name tag. It says, "IRENE." Memories fill my head from the dream I had woken up from moments ago, but I calm down quickly. This looks nothing like the Irene I dreamed of, thank goodness.

She introduces herself. "Hi, I'm Irene, and I'm going to be your nurse for the night and maybe for..." I'm immediately distracted by other things. I can't exactly help it though. I mean, I just woke up. I still had that "just-woke-up" feeling, so it was hard to listen.

I began to sway, and everything blurred for a moment. I was suddenly drawn into reality, and everything came back to me. This somehow woke me up, and I quickly turned around. Drew was still in his bed, now with more IV's in his arms. He was still paler, and a light shade of green or yellow too. I turned back to Irene.

"Ma'am, I mean, Miss, are you okay?" she asked in a high-pitched, "can-I-help-you?" kind of voice.

"Oh, um, no. Sorry, why?"

"Oh, I can tell you're not listening to me, and you're obviously concerned about your little friend there." The lines on her young, slightly aged face softened. "I remember when I was a teenager, not too long ago. I had a boyfriend who looked just like this guy here."

"Yeah, I guess we're going out now. I mean, we only hooked up yesterday, or today. I'm not even quite sure. I've been so stressed out. I'm not even sure what's reality any more."

"Really? That's sweet. I think you two look sort of...cute together." Irene spaced out a bit as she looked at Drew. I knew she was thinking about her past look-alike boyfriend.

I smiled. "Thanks," I muttered, kind of modestly.

/Everything went fuzzy again, and everything faded away. I mumbled something, I don't even know what, then I passed out. Again.
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