Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Perfectly Messed Up!

Perfectly Messed Up!

by aly_ajxxiero 1 review

Bad Language and all that fizz... My story... Just say its a Frerard. Nope, not chaptered, unless I get 3 Reviews! :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-04-10 - Updated: 2008-04-11 - 1025 words

"Come on Frank! Just bring your guitar tomorrow! It's the last day, and we might not see each other for like, 3 months! It's freaking Summer!" Gerard told me.
"Gee! No way! I'm too messed up to! pokes tongue out at Gerard Beh!" Was my Reply.
"Fuck off Frank! It's out fucking last day of High School!" He told me once again.
"Fine, fine, baby, But promise me you won't tell anyone that I play the guitar. I remember when you told Kamzy, you gave me a hard time." I told him.
"Nahh, I already told them we'll be on the stage at the field..." He laughed.
"What!?! Gee? You're such an-" I was cut when he kissed me. He explored my mouth. Then he broke the kiss.
"I have to go now Frankie, baby, I love you. Bring your guitar! I'll call you later! we'll do a three way with Kamz!" He said while leaving the school gates.
"Bye Gee! Love you!" I shouted. He looked back at me, winked at me, and then left. I licked my lips and told my self "Damn, I taste like him... He tastes good!" I laughed at myself for saying those words in my mind.

I left the school and when I got home, My mom was waiting there to kill me for staying late. "Frank Anthony Thomas Iero! Where the fucking hell have you been?" She screamed at me. "I-I-I was at school, I finished a few stuff mom. I'm really tired and I want to go to sleep." I replied her loud scream with a soft voice. "Fine, go set the table first, I have a few friends coming over. Sorry for shouting at you." She said in her creepy normal plastic-y voice. "Sure mom. Oh yeah, and can I stay late tomorrow? It's the last day and uh, well, I want to be with a few of my friends before summer." She nodded and I jumped for joy... I set the table like I usually do when people are coming over at our house then I went to my room.

The telephone in my room was ringing... "Oh, that must be Gerard and Kamz..." I answered the phone.

"Hey Frankie! Instead of calling Kamzy, I called Ray. Mikey's on the line too."
"Oh, Hey Gee, hi Mikey and Ray!"
"Hey Frankie, It's Ray. Uh, bring your guitar tomorrow, Bob will reserve the music room since the drums are there. We'll have like 5 hours of jamming since we just have one exam left then we're free." Ray said.
"Yeah, uh, we get dismissed at like, Ten Thirty. I'll bring Pansy" I said.
"Uh, Frankie. Mikey can play the bass, so we we're thinking of forming a band. Right Mikey?" Gerard said.
"Uh, yeah" Mikey, being the shy guy at class, said in a soft voice.
"That's great, see y'all tomorrow. I'm really tired and my mom has a few friends coming over. I want to sleep now! I'm really tired!" I told them.
"Bye Frankie!" They said in unison.

I slept... I woke up at like 3 in the morning and moms friends were still there, all drunk. It was a mess downstairs. I tried to be really quiet as a fixed all my stuff. I took a bath and dressed up, bringing extra clothes in case I think of sleeping at the Way residence or something. I left the house bringing my messenger bag containing my a few of my clothes, a notebook, a reviewer and a few pens and pencils. I also brought Pansy. It was 3:30 as I ran to Gerard's house I threw a rock at the window of his room. He opened it and let me in through the window.
"Sheesh Frankie! It's three in the fucking morning!" He said sleepily.
"Gee, go back to sleep if you want. I just had to leave home in case my mom and her friends go crazy again like last time." I replied.
"Come and lay down beside me." He said.
"Fine." I lifted up up the blanket a bit then put my self under it. Gerard put his arm on me.
His alarm came off at around 6 so I woke up.
"Hey! Gee... Babe, wake up! Your alarm is killing me!" I tried to wake him up. I pushed him off the bed. He finally woke up.
"Thanks Frank, I have a damn bruise on my arm now!" He said.
"Sorry, you wouldn't wake up!" I said...
He took a shower and dressed up. Mikey peeked through the door and went in after like, 5 seconds. "Hey Gee, How'd Frank come in? He asked.
"He went through the fucking window Mikey, Get your bass and lets go!" He told Mikey.
Mikey immediately followed. We went out of their house and on our way to school.
"Our exam starts at 9, we've got an hour." I said. taking my notebook out of my bag. I read everything written on it in 5 minutes.
"Well, I was reading a book, and uh, I thought of the name of the band, My Chemical Romance"
Mikey said. "That's wonderful Mikey!" Ray popped in, trying to read my notes. Guys! It's almost 9! Lets go!.


"That was easy!" Gerard said.
"Yeah, Where do we meet Bob?" I said.
"At the Music Room, remember?" Ray and Mikey said in unison.


"Guys, I composed a song, Here." Gerard showed us a piece of paper with scribbles and stuff written on it.
"I think I've got a tone for that!" We finally got the tone and all, Gerard thought it should be titled "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" And we just played.
"That was wonderful you guys! It was really great!" Bob said...


So, This is what happened to me the last 2 days of grade 5, It's kinda true except for the songs... But we do have a song. and we have a band. "My Emo Dayz" I'm also a back-up vocals and Guitar. haha... So... Like it? Hate it? Just review! :) The whole kissy kissy part happened to me by the way..
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