Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You lied then you ran away with the child you didnt want anything to do with.
You lied then you ran away with the child you didnt want anything to do with.
2 reviewsJess had a baby with Mikey, he said he would love her but he went back to Alicia when he found out. When jess got with Gerard he ran away with the baby.
You lied then you ran away with the child you didnt want anything to do with.
(#) Surrenders 2008-04-15
:O Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuun. update soon.You lied then you ran away with the child you didnt want anything to do with.
(#) JesswithacapJ 2008-04-16
Going to read chapter 2
cant wait :D
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