Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > How Stupid can People be?

Chapter 1: Three Heroes?

by Dragon_of_Twilight 1 review

Three people come together in the middle of the night, and all coincidentally hate LightClaw and Jarjarers.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-04-19 - Updated: 2008-04-19 - 948 words

Chapter 1: Three Heroes?

A girl crept out from the alleyway nearby. She had pale skin, a red shirt, and a lavender jacket. Her hair was purplish-blue She had dark blue jeans, and was looking at LightClaw and Jarjarers sinking below the surface of the water. She started laughing slightly, and stopped all of a sudden. She looked around. She was looking for any sign of why some random creature would commit an offence of committing sexual assault against another creature not unlike it.

Meanwhile, a young female bear, the same age as the girl, looked at the same scene. Her fur was a light grey, and she was wearing a light blue skirt, with a black jacket, for protection against the harsh cold of the night. She was wearing a “Luckily, someone gave Jarjarers there a beating.” She whispered.

The other girl heard this immediately. “Um… hello?”

The bear came out of the shadows, and walked into the alleyway, to where the girl was standing. “Well, I know one of those who are now drowning there…”

Twilight smiled. “You do? Well, I have heard one of them is in love with the other, but the other hates… never mind. Well, I know them both…. Kinda…”

The bear smiled, hoping that she would have some help in getting revenge against Jarjarers. “Well, I’m Min the Bear. Who are you?”

“I’m Twilight*.”

*Twilight is basically the fan-character form of me, and will represent me in fics I write. She has my exact personality, and her psychic abilities are inspired from the fact I have visions a lot of the time 0_0 I created her, so I don’t need to break the 4th wall too often.

“Well, are those guys both your enemies?” asked Min.

Twilight nodded. “Wait a sec. I need to get a little assistance of we are going to beat up these guys right now. I have to get DarkFire the drakehog in.” with those words, Twilight closed her eyes for a few seconds, concentrating hard on something Min didn’t know of. Twilight opened her eyes again. “Well, DarkFire should be here soon.”

Min was confused, but didn’t show any sign of it. Soon, a purple drakehog flew down from the sky, and dived headfirst, into a large garbage bin nearby. “Twilight, must you tell me to rush everything!?! Last time, I ran into a fence! Now, I fly into a bin!” She burnt all the rubbish off herself.

Min walked up to the bin. “DarkFire, what exactly happened? By the way, Twilight here has somehow called you here to beat up LightClaw and Jarjarers. They are in the water.”

DarkFire sighed. “Didn’t I ever say I was allergic to water? Oh wait, I have an idea.”

DarkFire started heating the water near a wharf up. “That should wake Dumb and Dumber up.”

The three laughed. “Oh wait, who are Dumb and who is Dumber?” asked Min, laughing.

DarkFire laughed louder. “LightClaw is Dumb. Jarjarers is Dumber. The reason I named them that is rather obvious.”

LightClaw and Jarjarers emerged from the water, coughing and spluttering. Min and Twilight were laughing so hard they could barely stand up without any assistance from the walls on either side of them. They were leaning on them, trying not to fall from laughter. DarkFire was trying hard to control her laughter. She then pointed and laughed at LightClaw and Jarjarers, wet, with soggy clothing. “Hey, look! Dumb and Dumber are going out on a date! They are going on a date to Atlantis!”

The trio laughed harder. Min added to it. “One is dumb. The other is dumber. It’s kinda obvious why DarkFire here gave you that name.”

Twilight was staring intensely at LightClaw and Jarjarers. They suddenly floated in the air, as though held up by the throat by an invisible person. “Wow, I have the force!!!” Twilight started laughing again.

Jarjarers gasped (Not that he could, [Actually, I’m unsure]) “no! Luke Skywalker here! N0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O!”

Min laughed so hard she collapsed. “What did you say? N, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O, zero, O?”

Twilight started to pretend to wield an invisible sword. “I have an invisible lightsaber!”

DarkFire laughed so hard she was burning LightClaw’s and Jarjarers’s necks for a second. It appeared though someone attempted to decapitate them from the burns. LightClaw and Jarjarers were dancing together (Literally!!!) and scratching their throats occasionally. They were dancing in every style possible.

Min found a video camera. “Well, I will record this for them to see later!” She started recording.

DarkFire and Twilight were laughing so loud it was an absolute miracle that no-one in the neighbourhood were awake with the exception of them.

About two hours later, LightClaw and Jarjarers were tired of the dancing. They collapsed, right on top of each other. Min walked up to them, with the video recording. She showed the video recording to both of them, all mangled and tired. Jarjarers seemed to enjoy the video. LightClaw was so embarrassed from the video. She looked at a log, roll into the ocean. She was inspired by it, rolled off the wharf, into the ocean, and sunk, ashamed. Jarjarers looked sad. “LightClaw!”

He rolled into the ocean, too.

The Morals: When the blind leads the blind, make sure they get out of your sight before they do so. Or else you might follow suit. LightClaw is thick enough to be called blind. So is Jarjarers. Do not follow them.

Dance parties make you tired.
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