Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Can't Life Be Simple?

Chapter 7 - Secrets

by Medusa 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-21 - Updated: 2008-04-21 - 2011 words

Franks POV

Sitting by the window staring out I never really noticed the colours or shapes I was just looking for one certain person and she still hadn’t come home to Opals.

"Hey Frank, dinners ready" Bob called to me from the kitchen door

“Amelia isn’t here yet” I remarked moving into the kitchen

“Anna phoned she said that Amelia was asleep and that she was going to make them something to eat once she’d woken up” Opal told me as she passed the potatoes around the table

“When is she coming home?” Mikey asked biting into the chicken he had on his plate

“Probably later” Opal shrugged

“She needs some boxes moved over to her apartment, right?” Gerard asked chewing on some green beans

“I think so, her rooms full of boxes but I don’t know what she’s doing with all of them” Opal smiled, passing the gravy to Bob who plate was full of all the food on offer

“We could take some over for her” I smiled, eating my potatoes

“That’s an awesome idea” Ray smiled tucking in too

After eating all the food Opal offered, we helped clean up the kitchen and put away the dishes after they came out the dishwasher.

“Hey Gee, which ones Amelia’s room?” I asked as we went upstairs

“The one on the left” Gerard smiled as we stood on the landing

“Her room is huge” Bob gasped as we swung open the door to reveal a huge stack of boxes and an empty bed

“Amelia got the big room because she was the youngest and the girl” Mikey remarked, jumping onto the bed

“Wow, these boxes are heavy” Ray wheezed lifting a box of the top

“What does she have in it bricks?” Bob asked taking the box from him and struggling with the weight

“According to the side its books” I smiled, lifting the next box down which was full of clothes

“Yeah, you take the lightest” Gerard laughed lifting another box full of books

“I’m just lucky that way” I laughed

After loading the van up with as many boxes as we could with enough space to fit in to and getting directions from Opal as to where Amelia’s apartment was we set off at a slow pace considering the van was weighted down with boxes and five guys.

Parking up outside Amelia apartment we dished out the boxes again and made our way inside, using the lift to transport the boxes upstairs along with us. Knocking on three a, we waited for an answer as we struggled with the boxes.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” Anna asked as she swung the door open

“Nice to see you too, Anna” Gerard laughed, shifting his box around so he could get a better look at her

“Come in for god sake” Anna laughed, opening the door wider and hurrying us and the boxes inside
dropping the boxes around the living room and taking in the large expanse of space we were standing in.

“Where’s Amelia?” I asked, looking around with the others

“She’s laying down, she wasn’t feeling well after dinner” Anna sighed, hugging Gee from behind

“I’m going to go and wake her up” I smiled turning towards the long corridor that had the bathroom at one end and a door either side

Behind me Anna’s face became concerned but Gerard shock his head at her and watched me move down the hall. Opening the door to my right; an empty room, I sighed and shut the door back over and opened the other door more slowly.

Seeing Amelia laying on the bed, facing away from the door, I smiled as the late sun filtered through the thin curtains and across her sleeping form. Stepping into the room and closing the door silently, moving across the room I sat down on the bed and leaned over her slightly to make sure she was sleeping.

Looking at her for a moment I realise just how much I had missed her it struck me as odd considering I’d only seen Amelia every couple of months since we turned nineteen. Stroking my fingers threw her soft black hair that lay across her shoulder. Amelia murmured in her sleep and turned towards me seeking my touch, the covers shifted as her eyes slide open and tried to focus on her surroundings.

“Frank?” She mumbled looking up at me

“Hey” I whispered staring at the raise in the blanket where her stomach was

“What are you doing here?” She asked pulling the blanket tighter round her emphasising her stomach

“I’m….erm…we got off tour early and decided to come and help you with your apartment” I smiled weakly

“It’s so good to see you” She smiled pulling me into a hug

“It’s good to see you to Amelia” I smiled hugging her back

“When did you ever call me Amelia, Frankie” She laughed, she was trying to pretend there wasn’t a bump between us

“Just thought it was time I stopped seeing you as the girl I grew up with” I exhale noisily, leaning back

“What? Frank, I don’t understand” She frowned moving to sit up in the bed

“The girl I grew up would never think of not telling me something as huge as this” I gestured towards her stomach “You were my best friend Amelia” I seethed, backing away from her

“Frankie, I can explain” She said getting trying to get me to stop

“I don’t want to hear it…all the times we talked on the phone and the emails? We NEVER keep secrets” I hissed at her, all thoughts abandoned of my reason for going to find her “How could you keep this from me” I was on the verge of tears “How could you, Amelia” I opened the door, slamming it behind me and storming out the apartment bypassing the astonished faces of my friends on the way out.

Amelia’s POV

I climbed off the bed as fast as I could and tried to chase after Frank but my weight exhausted me as I entered the living room to four astonished faces and my eldest brother with a look on his face that said I told you so.

“Not the fucking time, Gerard” I said with little conviction as I fell into the couch

“I’ll go after him” I can only presume Bob said

“Thanks man” Ray mumbled as he made a quick exit

I covered my face with my hands trying so hard to block out the noises and there expectant faces waiting for an explanation as to why Frank had stormed out of my apartment. Tears came pouring down my cheeks as I gasped for air and tried not to have a panic attack over upsetting my best or ex best friend.

A hand circled my shoulders and I was pulled against Mikey’s anthrax t-shirt that was so worn I could practically see his skin through it, throwing my arm around his waist and laying my head in the crock of his neck I sobbed harder clinging on like he was my life line.

“It’ll be alright” He whispered into my hair rubbing my back trying to soothe me

“He hates me” I mumbled back

“He’s just angry”

“You didn’t see the look in his eye, Mikey. He HATES me”

“He’ll come around” He sighed into my hair sending a shiver up my spine and fresh tears to start

“Everything will work out” Anna said behind me rubbing my back trying to make me feel better
I heard someone leave the room but couldn’t be bothered or even worried about finding out who it was, I just concentrated on Mikey whispering that it’ll be okay in my ear and him rocking me back and forth l feeling like I was six years old again.

The baby kicking made me look down at my bump between me and Mikey.

well now he knows. It’s just you and me kid, daddy didn’t hang around for me to explain.
Exhaling loudly, I leaned back from Mikey and looked up at my brother’s face; he was looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

“Are you going to tell me I told you so?” I asked, rubbing my swollen eyes

“I’d never tell you that, Amelia. I can understand why you didn’t tell him” He shrugged pulling me back to his chest

“I don’t really think I believe the reasons anymore, Mikes. I ruined the relationship anyway” I sighed, leaning back again gauging his reaction

“You can come back from this” He tried smiling at me

“I don’t think we can”

Frank’s POV

Slamming the button to the elevator, tapping my foot as it took its time getting to the floor I was on. The angry was still coursing threw my veins, I’d never been so angry at someone in my life…Not even when Gerard broke my guitar.

Amelia not telling me she was pregnant with someone else’s child was making my blood boil, why hadn’t she told me? We were best friend for fucks sake. I couldn’t believe that Gerard hadn’t told me or Mikey for that matter, they both had to know.

Stepping into the elevator and pressing the ground floor button I waited for the door to close just before it did someone’s hand came into stop it. Bob face came into view as the door slide back open.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Bob” I mumbled as he stood next to me

“Not here to talk, Frankie” He smiled “Just making sure you don’t get your ass kicked” He continued

We stepped out into the lobby, speed walking across it and out the front door. Spotting a coffee shop at the end of the road I walked towards it letting Bob follow me. Dropping down into a booth at the back of the shop I glanced at Bob as we sat down.

“Can I get you anything?” A blonde waitress asked as she stopped by our table

“Two coffees please” Bob answered smiling at her

As she moved away I just stared straight ahead at a poster just passed Bob head.

“I know you’re angry at her Frank but maybe you should look at it from her point of view”

“We were best friends Bob there was no reason for her not to tell me”

“It’s hardly something you can tell someone over the phone” Bob countered

“Gerard and Mikey encouraged me to tell her how I felt; I can hardly do that now” I sighed, looking at my hands “She’s obviously moved on and making a new life for herself in Vancouver”

“Do you not think that you should talk to Amelia about this instead of storming out?”

“I was just so angry with her for not telling me I was just need to get away” I shrugged as two large coffee were placed down in front of us

“She had her reasons, Frank” Bob smiled sipping his coffee

“Grrrr…I hate that you’re right” I smiled faintly sipping my coffee too and grimacing at the bitter taste

The sound of Bob cell phone made us both sigh, he pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open.

“What’s up, Gerard?”

“Yeah, were sitting in a coffee shop down the street”

“Uh huh, I’ll try man but I don’t know if he wants to” Bob looked at me and took the phone away from his face “Gerard wants to know if you’ll come back to the apartment”

I shrugged but nodded my head anyway. I may as well go back and face the wrath of Gerard shouting at me for upsetting his pregnant sister.
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