Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The snow is falling down on me.


by emovampire 1 review

When he fell in love...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-04-24 - Updated: 2008-04-24 - 401 words

well this is the next bit to chapter one, hense the name, chapter 2.
enjoy :)
give me reviews.!

The sounds are here again.

Now i know where they are coming from.

I stand up and walk over to the tree.

It is a cherry tree.

It has no leaves.

There is a boy sitting behind it. He is playing his guitar. He doesn't look up.

The snow is falling on him.

He is smiling slightly. Smirking even.

“So, You've found me.”

He chuckles, puts down his guitar and looks at me.

“Welcome to the Japanese garden. Part of the amazing Chicago botanic gardens. I hope you are thrilled at the beauty of such.
I am Frank, i come here to focus. Why do you come here?”

He is smiling broadly now.I don't really know what to say....

“I....I come here to listen”.

“Really? You know, you have a valid reason to be here. But that doesn't explain why you were polluting the pure white snow.
Blood need not be shed in such a perfect place”.

He doesn't care about me. Or why i am doing it. He only cares about the snow. I really am that worthless.......

I sink to my knees in dispair.Burying my face into my hands i let all of my feelings out. I don't want to be useless again. I don't want to be left alone.What am i saying?????The voices are starting hurts.....
“I'm so useless” I can barely understand myself I'm crying so much.

“Well, you got 1 part of that sentence right. You do refer to yourself as I'm.But you are far from being useless”.

He shuffles over to me and lifts my head up.

Puts his finger on my lips.

I stop crying.

“you have a pretty face too. Gerard”.

My name. How does he know my name?

He brings his face close to mine and smiles.

“ I wouldn't stay out here in the snow too long. You might get cold”.

His lips are pressed against mine. Slowly moving around my bottom lip.

It is short. But enough for me to fall in love.


I look up and he smiles at me with his sharp pointed teeth.

And then he is gone.

I have a feeling he would not come back any time soon.......

(oh ma god!!!!!)ha ah sorry i just had to put that:)
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