Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Escaping Darkness

We Need A Happy Ending.

by brokenhalo 0 reviews

We Need A Happy Ending.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-04-25 - Updated: 2008-04-26 - 512 words - Complete


We Need A Happy Ending.
Mary’s POV
The emotionally drained face before me was a picture of movie perfection, red lipstick smudged over Sarah’s lips reflected like blood against her paling complexion, black ringed eyes focused on a blank spot she could only see.
“Sarah,” I whispered, gently dabbing her bloodied nose with a crumpled tissue while forming each delicate word in my head before allowing them to part my tear swollen lips. “you have to fight with me, I know you’re scared...but so am I.”
“Third time is always a charm.” She whispered knowingly, referring to her two previous beatings, that would visually and mentally leave scars, hours ticking over the longer we were kept in darkness.
I didn’t know how long we had been here.
“No,” I mumbled, chin wrinkling as I forght another wave of tears. “you’re not going to leave this place in a body bag.” I swallowed my tears as they lumped in my throat. “Gerard’s coming, Frank too...h...he has to.”
“I love Gerard.” She mused, hand slowly rising so she could gaze at her wedding ring. “I love him so much.” Bursting into tears, black water drops sunk into Sarah's skin, my arms curling round her sobbing figure.
Steps thundered outside the locked door, the handle rattling as Sarah and I released each other, scared eyes watching as a burning light embraced the darkness with a loud thud of the door being knocked off its hinges, shouting and gunfire echoing outside before masked men ran at us.
“They’re in here!”
Blocking the light with my hand I tried to make out the figures, one extending his hand to me. “We’re the police, you’re safe now.”
Glancing at Sarah, she was staring at the police men now flooding into the room as if she was seeing a person for the very first time, eyelashes battering in confusion and mortal fear. Accepting the hand, I was gently lifted to my feet, sudden ease blanketing me as I blindly groped for Sarah's hand, clinging to it as we were led into the light.

Gerard’s POV
Snaking my arm round Sarah's shoulder, she leaned into me with a sigh, the two of us watching Mary and Frank muse over their new baby daughter. Despite being six weeks early, the darling little girl was completely healthy and unscathed by her mothers ordeal.
Pressing my lips into Sarah’s temple, I smiled, knowing things were truly over. It had been Frank's bright idea to go to the police and confess everything we knew, turns out they had been informed of strange men trespassing on a family farm and called to the scene, the Arm Defenders Squad following after hearing our story.
In return for our inside information, we were all pardoned from our past crimes, Mikey returning to America on the first flight with my bruise to remind him of his betrayal.
Sarah’s face buried in my neck. “I love you.”
“I love you too Sarah.”
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