Categories > Original > Humor > Crack Series: Room 205

In the Beginning

by legacyforgotten 0 reviews

Every story has its beginning.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-04-26 - Updated: 2008-04-27 - 719 words - Complete

Van was currently staring out the window of Room 205 of the third story of the highly expensive Boishington Academy. For a moment, he considered throwing himself out the window, just to break the odd silence that had fallen over the usually boisterous class, but concluded that he would most likely DIE.

He reluctantly turned his focus back to his teacher, Mr. H, who was blathering on about their college applications and such. The silence was so thick, but for the ranting of Mr. H, Van was sure he was floating in jell-o. And yet, the unusual silence of the class did not last, for in moments, Van's seventeen-year-old friend came crashing through the window he had previously been staring through.

She had landed in a crouch on another student's desk, who had pressed his back into his chair in order to avoid her. She wore a full ninja suit that only revealed her skin at the slit for her eyes and the point where her fingerless gloves ended. Her fox tail twitched much like a cat about to pounce.

“Ms. Applewood, why, might I ask, are you disrupting my class?” Mr. H glowered at her.

“Hm.” She smirked. “I've been found out. No matter.” She tore off her ninja suit to reveal more casual clothes: jeans and a tank top. “ For I am Navi the Awesomest!!”

“What was the freaking point of bustin' through my window?!” Mr. H cried in exasperation.

Navi blinked. “It added to the effect of my entrance. DUH.”

Van finally responded to the younger girl's appearance. “Navi, what're you doin' here.”

“Huh?” She said as she tore her gaze away from Mr. H.

"Shouldn't you be in class?”

“Oh yeah...” Navi said, looking down at her nonexistent watch. She declared, “I'm in hiding.”

“And that makes it okay for you to fly into my class like the freakin' SWAT team?!”
Mr. H screamed.

Navi slowly turned to Mr. H. “Oh. Hello. I didn't see you there, Mr. H.”

Mr. H gaped at her, “You were...just... talking to me.” He sighed and staggered back to his desk and pulled out a bottle of vodka in defeat. “I give up.” He took a swig and added, “Sixth period sucks.”

Van watched in disbelief (Mr. H hardly ever gave up and usually acted like a kid) and spoke once again to Navi, “ What're ya hidin' from.”

Navi frowned. “Fifth period teacher.” She opened a cabinet overflowing with text books. She slid in among them and huddled into the fetal position. “Shh. Don't tell anyone,” she whispered as she slowly pulled the cabinet closed.

A fellow classmate leaned across Van's desk. “What was that all about?” he asked lazily.

Van said, “She's just... strange.”

Robin sat on Van's desk. “ I noticed that.”

“Everyone, back to work!” Mr. H yelled from his reclined spot.

A few muffled mumbles came form the cabinet before it shouted, “These books are stabbing my ass!!”

“She's loud.” Robin commented as he slid off of Van's desk and back into his seat to the right of Van.

“Workbooksss! Now!” Mr. H slurred.

A student argued “But-”

“No BUTTS about it!”

The student continued, “Mr. H, The workbooks are in the cabinet.”

Navi yelled, “I'm holding your workbooks hostage!!”

A bitter laugh escaped Mr. H. “Kill me. Just kill me now.”

A blonde girl up to Mr. H's desk, “It's okay Mr. H,” she said, petting his hair.

He cried into her shoulder, “I love you. Sometimes it's just so hard.”

“Looks like a free period.” Lana said, who happened to sit diagonally to the left of Van and in front of her boyfriend, and Van's best friend, Kanan.

Kanan kicked back and placed earphones on.

Navi eventually crept out of her hiding place. She stretched. “Wow. My ass is full of book grooves.”

Van, who had begun doodling looked up from his work. “Weren't you hiding?”

Navi continued her stretches. “The bell is about to ring.” As she said this, a loud chime filled the classroom. She hurried to the door. “Thanks Mr. H!”

Mr. H waved the rest of the class away. “Dismissed.”

Van gathered his stuff and exited the classroom. Today had certainly been interesting.

YAY! This "series" was mostly made out of the boredom of class. Hence, the um, randomness.
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