Categories > Original > Humor > Crack Series: Room 205


by legacyforgotten 0 reviews

The classroom gets redecorated!!

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-04-26 - Updated: 2008-04-27 - 285 words - Complete

It was a well known fact that sixth period of Room 205 of the third floor of Boishington Academy was cursed to never entertain a normal class. However, this did not prevent the students from the surprises that constantly arose in the class. No one could ever anticipate what was to happen in those 55 minutes...

Van stood gaping into his sixth period classroom. Upon every surface a post-it had been placed to cover it.

Mr. H grinned at his incoming students. “Hey! We have a post-it themed room today!”

Van sat uneasily into his post-it covered seat. “Why?” He questioned.

Mr. H paused as he began up a ladder to cover the remainder of the ceiling. “I don't have a fifth period class so I got bored,” he admitted.

Kanan walked into the room unfazed. Lana snickered, “Nice room Mr. H.”

Slowly, the room filled and the tardy bell rang. Mr. H stood before his class and announced, “You will all write your own quote on a sticky note and add it to my post-it collection!”

Post-its were passed around and a murmur grew as students grudgingly decided on what to write.

“Hurry up now!” Mr. H called, “We don't have all day!”

Eventually, everyone finished and Mr. H spoke, “Remember, they're anonymous.”He began to read aloud.

“Now. First one. Cranberries should be banned.” Mr. H looked at the post-it strangely. “What the heck? You guys should see these!”

“Lunch Dominates.”

“Hug Dealer.”

“Emotionally Molested Ostriches.”

“Steroids take me.”

Mr. H paused. “There's a haiku.”

“I can write haiku

Five, seven, five syllables

I can write haiku.”

He laughed. “Wow. I'm teaching language arts and I got a horrible haiku. I must suck at teaching.”
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