Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreams of broken Angels....

And Did We All Fall Down

by hisladysorrows 2 reviews

Gerard Takes a turn for the worse...what is to happen?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-01 - Updated: 2008-05-01 - 931 words

Aaron and Steve sat on opposite sides of the limo. They didn’t say much; they were more worried if we were okay or not. “Darling, was that to much for you” asked numy concerned about me. I laughed, “No numy, I’m fine I promise”. I looked down. I had this amazing man lying on my legs. His big hazel eyes seem to glow as he was drifting in and out of sleep. I petted his hair as he laid there across my legs. “Dude Gerard was that not the craziest crowd ever, I mean imagine the show” rambled on frank. “Hello, Gerard am I the only one alive here” he said curiously. Frank leaned down and kind of shoved Gerard. Gerard didn’t flinch. “Gerard” he said trying to turn him over. When frank turned Gerard over he looked at him. He was barely breath. What the hell was happening? Frank slipped his fingers under Gerard’s wrists band and was trying to catch a pulse. He gave a weird look when he was trying to find his pulse. “It feels all moist and scabby” said frank. He ripped off Gerard’s wrist band. Gerard’s wrists were beaten to hell. There were big scabs and blood was softly trickling down. I gasped at the sight. They were a bright purple. My heart raced at the sight of it. I instantly began to cry. Numy motioned for me to sit by her. But I wouldn’t budge. She moved while I was sitting there petting his hair. Aaron tapped on the glass to the driver. The driver put the front divider window down. “Yes, sir can I help you” he said smiling. Aaron looked at him sternly and seriously. “Hospital…NOW” he said to the driver. The driver didn’t hesitate. He sped up and we were on our way. Aaron got Gerard laid out and was trying to keep him stable. “Gerard, you got to stay with me” he said softly tapping his face over and over again. Gerard eyes rolled back in his head and he began making no sense. Numy reach in her purse and pulled out a small vile. She ran it under his nose. His eye returned to his eye lids but was still out of it. “Darling, please just stay with me and listen to my voice” I said cupping his face. His eyelids were a dark brown and he had broken out into a cold sweat. His head rolled back in forth in my hands. The limo slammed on its breaks. The driver sprinted out of the car and got someone. Two medics rushed out from the hospital and opened the door. “Okay who is it” they asked getting the gurney ready. I started balling. “It’s my boyfriend Gerard” I said petting his face. “Mam, you’re going to have to let him go and let him go with us okay” they said calmly. I shook my head yes and let go of him. Aaron lifted his head as the medics grabbed his legs. The slowly pulled him out of the back of the limo. The got him placed up on the gurney, while another medic started getting an iv ready to be placed in his arm. I stammered my way out of the limo and began to follow. The medics let me follow until the got into the emergency room. “You need to stay out here, it’s not going to be any better in there” they said kindly. I collapsed in front of the doors. Soon Mikey, Ray, Bob, Frank and Numy ran in after. Bob lifted me up and carried me. A nurse put us in a private waiting room. I laid in Bob’s arms and just cried. Numy would come over and sit with us and pet my hair trying to calm me down. What was so wrong that he had to do that? Why would my angel want to leave me? I just couldn’t understand what was going on with him! Bout four hours later a doctor came into us. I sat up as soon as I heard there footsteps. “Well, It seems Gerard had token an overdose on his medication as well as have been cutting him self for a good week now” said the doctor. “We have him stabilized and in a room, you guys are allowed to go see him right now” he said softly. He gave us the room number and we went and gathered our things. We walked down a couple hallways and entered the room. You could hear the heart monitor beeping and could hear the oxygen machine going. I walked in and moved the curtain. There was laying there out like a light. He had an oxygen mask on and heart monitor going. They had two IV’s hooked up to his arms. I came in and sat at the foot of his bed.
I kissed his leg and laid there. “Angel, please don’t ever do that again… it was such awful scare and I couldn’t bear to lose you” I said in tears. Numy came up behind me and rubbed my back. Mikey grabbed a chair and sat by one of his arms. He held on tightly to his hand. The look on Mikey’s face said it all. It read to me “I don’t need to lose my brother, my best friend in this world”. We were all in a disarray of what was to happen? Would he ever be the same?
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