Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tall, Dark, and Tattooed

Part Onze

by killertrend 0 reviews

A little Peter, a little Blossom.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-05-03 - Updated: 2008-05-04 - 248 words

A.N.- SOOOOO sorry guys. I know it's been forever. And I know this is a short chapter. Life has been insane lately. Hopefully I'll be updating more often. Don't give up on me yet! :]

"Why the thank you?" Harper asked, tracing a manicured nail down Pete's chest. They were enjoying some post-coital cuddling, still basking in the glow of their affair.

"Because you don't seem like the type of girl to just 'give it up' to any guy." She nodded, flashing a row of white teeth and laying her head back on his chest.

"Be glad I like you so much Peter Wentz." He chuckled quietly, wrapping his inked arms around her petite waist and hugging her close.

"Oh, I'm very glad."

Eventually, Harper headed back to her apartment, after having to explain to a hysterical Emmie why she hadn't come home. Once she mentioned that she had spent the night with Pete, however, Emmie suddenly didn't seem to mind her roommate's absence.

"You know, you should be lecturing me about having sex on the second date." Harper grinned, flopping down on their worn couch. "Not praising me."

Emmie performed her quintessential eye roll, snorting derisively.

"Are you kidding? Pete is one of the hottest guys on this earth. You two could've met in the grocery store and fucked on the dairy aisle and I wouldn't have cared."

Peals of girlish laughter filled the apartment, and Blossom, awoken from his morning cat nap, meowed disapprovingly.

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