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Night succumbs to dawn

by Lyanvis 0 reviews

Everything is there for the taking. The light always returns. Light frees the angels and releases the pain.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Published: 2008-05-03 - Updated: 2008-05-04 - 150 words

Night Succumbs to Dawn

The incoherent thoughts, like rivulets on a pane
The unchained melody, helplessly restrained
The ache is throbbing, the notes fly high
The crescendo reached...with a quiet sigh

The heart is a thunder, senses inflamed
The raging infernos within us remain
The rampant desires...the red hot flame
You scream out loud, to assuage the pain

The angels are imprisoned , the demons unleashed
The light has gone, the darkness slowly creeps
The fury, the rage, the uncontrolled endeavors
The dreams, the commitments, the trust betrayed forever

The fever pitch of agony is reached
The barrier is broken, the accord breached
You twirl around at a frightening speed
The extravaganza ends, the survivors lead

The time has come to turn a new leaf
The drama has ended, the players relieved
All is quiet, the pain is gone
The light shines through as the night succumbs to dawn
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