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A duo on acceptance

by Lyanvis 0 reviews

Two short poems for random reasons.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2008-05-03 - Updated: 2008-05-04 - 221 words

A Night over Painted Glass

As I walk out onto that wooden catwalk
I gaze at the brilliant life-orb in the sky

I look as life starts to fall after leaping,
so high to splash color on the world

As I gaze down at that placid sheet of glass
the paint changes from blue to red to silver

The air crisps in the waning life
and I feel complete calm

And as life sinks below the hills, and
painted glass swirls, silver-gray to nothing

Night is a peacefull dark blanket
And it enfolds me with calm

Fragile Love's Sonnet

I told you that "I love you with all my heart"
And you shattered me like glass with your words
My soul lies on the floor broken apart
Yhoughts are shards clumped together like herds

I wanted to show you feelings of joy
And I wanted you to feel the same too
But when you see my face, you shudder... why?
You destroyed the dignity inside me too

Now I sweep up all the pieces of me
Symbols of all the pains that I have felt
And politely for them I do thank thee
For they are also symbols of gains felt

Once you grab life by the reins and go
You must take in stride the cuts and stains, you know.
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